Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

Adventure Sonic (v1.8b) v1.8b

It might, they said they wont release a version not finished, but I think he said he might make them though
Ah, team might be overstating it. It's just the old duo of Metalwario64 (made Sonic's wonderful sprites, curator, helps with effects sprites at times, etc) and me (Whatever else)

But yeah, sure! That sounds good to me! SA Sonic has had grind sprites' for a while mainly for the purpose of THIS upcoming mod of mine, which I can finally get back to now that X Sonic is complete!

Additive blending has the caveat that it makes darker colors dull/white/invisible, so I opted to have it off by default in all but a few hand-selected cases unless people select the shiny option.

What's missing from the current Lightspeed Attack? It can even do the enemy circling thing from SA2 if you press sideways.

Oh, abilities are easy peasy, and alot of fun to make too. It's always the small niche interactions, rare bugs, optimization/polish, or just simply fighting SRB2's code that are the most time-consuming and performance-heavy when it comes to coding.

Rush Mode? Done in a week. These new shield abilities? Done in a day. Letting X Sonic swerve slightly while running up a wall? MONTHS OF AGONY.

Wouldn't that be a waste of a shield? You JUST killed every nearby enemy with the LSA, and now it forces you to blow it up when you could've pressed C3 to do it manually like this?


I've talked my reasoning alot already, so I'll refer you back to my most popular self-published novel!

And if that doesn't do, I'll refer you to the instant LD mod instead!

I'm with you there, man. I really would've LOVED if he had those shoes too.

That's a reference to the crappy old Milne cheering dance SA-Sonic used to have. Custom1 is the trigger for it.
There is so much more comming with THE ultimate asset >:] Shine can confirm the stuff we've been doing for the last year
You guys are NOT ready for whats to come :P.
How would I do that? Im using my phone right now I want to find the phones file so I can edit it on my pc

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