Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

Adventure Sonic (v1.8b) v1.8b

maybe... unless someone made a map for that exact sonic, like a fully working version of shadows map called"white jungle" or even radical highway, you could they could even make metal harbor too, not asking anyone to do so by the way, it's just if they want to make it look better
I may or may not have remake of SA2’s Green hill bonus stage in works... :knuxsmug:
I'm talking about without the glow, also to have the instant lightspeed dash. I kinda hope he adds that in another update.
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I hope someone makes an actual soapshoes model for him too. I haven't really come across any that work and have a super form
jeck Jim's DID make one that supports super form (as well as hyper, if ur using xmomentum), but the model was never updated to match sa's sonic's current animations.
I mean a more... modernized look, like norm sa2 sonic, or a polygon below
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Bro I just had a thought, what about a sonic styled prowler meme for a taunt, like the dbxv2 one
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Will Sonic in future updates have that wierd height boost while holding jump after homing attacking? I guess this could be rather easy to implement. And it could give him even more versatility which is like the definition of SRB2's SA sonic at this point.
Will Sonic in future updates have that wierd height boost while holding jump after homing attacking? I guess this could be rather easy to implement. And it could give him even more versatility which is like the definition of SRB2's SA sonic at this point.
you talking about the one in sonic world dx?
I think he already has that in this version? it looks like he goes higher when I hold the jump button after a homing attack
little glitch i found, very minor but whenever you do the "super cool emote 9000" but you hold every button and dont let go this happens


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little glitch i found, very minor but whenever you do the "super cool emote 9000" but you hold every button and dont let go this happens
i thought it was an alternate taunt like a cheering thing. i dont think its a glitch unless we get confirmation.
All due respect to you and your team (You guys are KILLING IT! Please, Keep going!) I have to ask, I saw X-Sonic get updated to use his grind sprites on those special boards that the 2006 level pack and I believe a separate OLDC stage use, Will SA be getting this done too?
Ah, team might be overstating it. It's just the old duo of Metalwario64 (made Sonic's wonderful sprites, curator, helps with effects sprites at times, etc) and me (Whatever else)

But yeah, sure! That sounds good to me! SA Sonic has had grind sprites' for a while mainly for the purpose of THIS upcoming mod of mine, which I can finally get back to now that X Sonic is complete!

All SP colors to automatically have additive blending on the trails/jumpaura, it's a bit odd considering the adventure-based skincolors automatically do this but every other one does not.
Additive blending has the caveat that it makes darker colors dull/white/invisible, so I opted to have it off by default in all but a few hand-selected cases unless people select the shiny option.

What about the sa2 lightspeed attack style? I want the full norm sa2 sonic
What's missing from the current Lightspeed Attack? It can even do the enemy circling thing from SA2 if you press sideways.

He also has custom abilities?! Geez, Shine you're a coding master!
Oh, abilities are easy peasy, and alot of fun to make too. It's always the small niche interactions, rare bugs, optimization/polish, or just simply fighting SRB2's code that are the most time-consuming and performance-heavy when it comes to coding.

Rush Mode? Done in a week. These new shield abilities? Done in a day. Letting X Sonic swerve slightly while running up a wall? MONTHS OF AGONY.

I have an idea, when you have the armageddon shield you can use the lightspeed attack and at the end of it the shield detonates
Wouldn't that be a waste of a shield? You JUST killed every nearby enemy with the LSA, and now it forces you to blow it up when you could've pressed C3 to do it manually like this?


I don't even know why it only came to me now, but the insant LightSpeed Dash, it doesn't break the flaw and i think some neat tricks can be done with it, i mean SMS got it, i won't blame for copy pasting it's code.
oh man... that's sad... oh wait, I think there's a lua or soc mod that can make regular sonic do that, just change the variables and functions to work for sa2 sonic and voila, just do NOT release it on a page though, I'm sure you'd get banned for that. Doing it for you're self should be fine though.
I've talked my reasoning alot already, so I'll refer you back to my most popular self-published novel!

And if that doesn't do, I'll refer you to the instant LD mod instead!

This is beyond perfect! Only thing I can think of now is a way to change his sprites from normal shoes to soap shoes! Other than that, this is FUCKING GOLD!
(I may or may not be biased as someone who 100% the two adventure games lmao-)
I'm with you there, man. I really would've LOVED if he had those shoes too.

whenever you do the "super cool emote 9000" but you hold every button and dont let go this happens
That's a reference to the crappy old Milne cheering dance SA-Sonic used to have. Custom1 is the trigger for it.
Ah, team might be overstating it. It's just the old duo of Metalwario64 (made Sonic's wonderful sprites, curator, helps with effects sprites at times, etc) and me (Whatever else)

But yeah, sure! That sounds good to me! SA Sonic has had grind sprites' for a while mainly for the purpose of THIS upcoming mod of mine, which I can finally get back to now that X Sonic is complete!
Oh my god, this looks INCREDIBLE!!

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