1.09: Reply to a few public opinions

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There are a lot of additions in 1.09, and almost all of them are overwhelmingly positive, however there are two specific removals that are creating a little public outcry, and I'd like to address them.

The first is the big one: Chaos mode was removed.

Frankly, I'm kinda surprised at the reaction from Chaos's removal. No one played it in multiplayer, the way it was designed to be played. A few people did play with it in single player looking for high scores, but even those people (myself included) generally stopped playing. The main thing Chaos was used for was amusement, like bouncing on Crawlas until one hits the sky, or to get to billion points or some other ridiculous point total. The reality is that it was used mostly for random amusement and trying to crash the game, not competition. Chaos had broken gameplay in general, and the fact that even the people that miss it didn't play it in multiplayer sorta put the nail on the coffin for it.

The second is a smaller one, but important none-the-less: Knuckles was nerfed.

The reason for the nerf may not seem obvious, but it's to avoid the exploit where the player bounces off an object, glides to gain height, and then at the top of the arc, lets go of the glide, and lands on another object. They bounce, glide, and repeat the process. This allows people to get VERY high into the air with relative ease. Why do we care? Because Knuckles traditional weakness is his inability to go straight up. He can climb walls, but he can't reach the air above the player without a wall to climb. The multi-glide ignored that balance, and allowed Knuckles to 'fly' better than Tails. The second part of it, the slowdown, is to more accurately mimic the classic games. I don't know if that will have a negative effect on match, but it appears not to be causing many problems, but only time will tell on that front.

It may turn out in the future that we nerfed Knuckles too much, and we may have to provide more buffs for him. However, if that does occur, we will not be returning the ability to glide more than once per jump. Exploits of that nature just ruin gameplay and break the balance between the characters. No matter how amusing they are to play with, they're still deterimental to gameplay in the long run.
The Knuckles nerf does make him harder to play as. But i nthe end, it makes it more challenging and fair when you play as him. It does fit the old-school theme anyways.

As for Chaos mode....I liked it, if for that general reason you stated. :\ Ah well, not much we can do about it.
I still say put Spidey Knux in as a secret characer....
Don't make me have to sing the song again!
I should really learn to talk nonsense in Off-Topic, and only Off-Topic. X_X
Chaos sucked, and Knuckles owned Tails far too much. If he gets pumped a bit later on, I'd suggest that his climbing speed be increased slightly. If that's his strength, he might as well be better at it.
Well Chaos was fun while it lasted, but Mystic is right. It was never really played the way it was suppose to be. I just wish we could've kept the levels. The levels were cool :( The Knuckles thing feels a bit weird though. I mean, It was almost like Knuckles Dancing in the air
but I never saw anyone doing the bounce thing. Oh well, I guess all I want were those levels back and maybe a few extras. :wink:
Tails' flying is much much easier to control now, it and Knuckles being downgraded a little might disrupt the multiplayer tiers we have going (Sonic > Knuckles > Tails (unless you're really good). But still, anyone who hated Tails because his flying was hard to control can STFU now :p.

Seriously, I use Tails in match all the time. (As hard as it is to believe) My one strength against Sonic players was my flying. I'd sneak up on them, hit them and fly, fly fly away! :mrgreen:
I like those changes anyway :P

Knuckles is more like he was in Genesis games, and Chaos Mode was that, a chaos :lol:

But I´m still thinking that Tails should be a bit faster... Is too slow :P And Sonic should be able to break boxes with Speed Thok again...
It was fun to exploit the tailswalk bug to play pilot-gunner style chaos. I'm sad that they took Chaos out; Chaos mode was pretty muchly the only reason that my sister plays SRB2 at all, as I've gotten so good in deathmatch that I beat her to a pulp 100% of the time.

As for knuckles, I think that when you're falling, you should be able to kill enemies, but not fly back up again, buecause it's so annoying to glide, release, land on an enemy and die.
TailsDoll said:
Nerfed? *goes to Dictionary.com or whatever it is to look for the meaning of that word*

Nerfing is the process of removing abilities of something in a videogame, or weakening them.

I think Knuckles Bounce "exploit" should have been left in. It's one of those professional tactics that people use, kind of like Wavedashing in Smash Brothers.

"Everybody makes mistakes, creativity is knowing which ones to keep."
Jumping VERY low then dodging into the ground at an angle. Makes you go pretty far/fast, apparently, but I've yet to accomplish it, let alone so easily that I can do it frequently. Not that I've been really trying.
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