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[Script] Dynamic Music v3 3.0


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it's a music mod lol

I'm sure just about everyone is aware of the existing music mods for Kart, things like Encore Music, Final Lap Music, SPB Music, and similar mods. These mods all do really neat things, but have seen next to no use among the populated servers. Why? It's because music is either packaged with the mods, or additional Lua scripts are necessary to configure them. This essentially forces joiners to either download somewhere around 30-40 megabytes of music, or to download additional Lua scripts that are specifically configured for one guy's music. With problems like that, it's not hard to see why no one is using them.

And that's where Dynamic Music comes in.

This mod is a combined version of some of the mods mentioned above, specifically Encore Music, Final Lap Music, SPB Music, and Megamix Themes. It includes two exclusive mods as well, those being My Music (I'll elaborate later) and Victory Themes. It operates differently from the previous mods mentioned: for starters, it includes NO music. At all. The base package is just Lua scripts, meaning any server can add it without creating a mandatory 40MB download. In addition, the mod is configured not through additional Lua scripts, but through console commands. The game will load a .cfg file containing a list of commands the first time a level is loaded, allowing players to define and load their preferences instantly when connecting to a server. No more bothering people with your music or being bothered by their music, instead, everyone chooses what they want to hear.

All functionality in this mod is disabled by default. This is done to make things seamless for those joining netgames without dynmusic.cfg configured. In the downloads is a completely optional sample pack that serves as a simple demonstration of what the mod can do, coupled with its config. The sample pack config will automatically load the included music, so adding it yourself is not necessary. Additionally, a pack of final lap songs assembled by Snu is also available.
NOTE: All commands that take a track lump do not require the prefix (O_), issues may arise if used.

SPB Music
Plays a unique song during SPB rush. Can be set to randomize between multiple tracks.

(CVAR) Turns SPB Music on or off.
EXAMPLE: spbmusic on

(CVAR) Enables or disables the randomizer.
EXAMPLE: spbrandomize on

Adds SPB music to the list. The list can be viewed with "listspbmusic", and a label can optionally be provided to make identifying the lump easier.
EXAMPLE: addspbmusic LUMP "This is a track lump!"

Removes a song from the SPB music list
EXAMPLE: delspbmusic LUMP

Lists the current SPB music table
EXAMPLE: listspbmusic

Sets preferred SPB music. Supports track numbers and lump names.
EXAMPLE: setspbmusic LUMP

Sets SPB music for a specific map. Supply the map first, and then the track number or lump. This example sets track LUMP to MAP01.
EXAMPLE: mapspbmusic MAP01 LUMP

Overrides map specific SPB music. Use this if you want your preferred song to take over without getting rid of your map-specific settings.
EXAMPLE: spbmapoverride on

Disables SPB music on a specific map.
EXAMPLE: spbblacklist MAPH0

Changes the default SPB music lump. Useful if a server forcibly replaces SPBRUN
EXAMPLE: setspbdefault SPB1

Adds character-specific SPB music. This overrides any other SPB music set
EXAMPLE: addcharspbmusic sonic LUMP

Removes character-specific SPB music
EXAMPLE: delcharspbmusic sonic

Encore Music
Allows defining a unique song on a specific map in Encore Mode.

(CVAR) Turns Encore Music on or off.
EXAMPLE: encoremusic on

Adds encore music to the list for the given map. Like SPB music, an optional label can be provided.
EXAMPLE: addencoremusic MAP01 LUMP "This is an encore track lump!"

Removes a map from the encore music list
EXAMPLE: delencoremusic MAP01

Lists the current encore music table
EXAMPLE: listencoremusic

Final Lap Music
Changes the song on the final lap. Can be synced with a specific My Music track lump, or set to trigger in Encore Mode.

(CVAR) Turns Final Lap Music on or off.
EXAMPLE: finallapmusic on

Adds final lap music to the given music lump. (FLUMP in this example)
EXAMPLE: addflmusic KMAP01 FLUMP

Alternatively, you can use globalmusic to add final lap music for all music lumps that don't have their own final lap music defined
EXAMPLE: addflmusic globalmusic KMAP01

Removes a map from the final lap music list
EXAMPLE: delflmusic KMAP01

Clears final lap music from all maps
EXAMPLE: clearflmusic

Lists all final lap music currently defined for music lumps.
EXAMPLE: listflmusic

Adds encore final lap music to the given map
EXAMPLE: addencoreflmusic MAP01 FLUMP

My Music
Allows defining multiple songs for a level, which the game will choose from randomly at the start of the race. Final Lap Music can also be tied to My Music lumps.

(CVAR) Turns My Music on or off.
EXAMPLE: mymusic on

Adds a song to My Music for the provided map. Like SPB music, an optional label can be provided.
EXAMPLE: addmapmusic MAP01 LUMP "This is a My Music lump!"

Changes the default music lump for the provided map
EXAMPLE: setdefaultmapmusic MAP01 LUMP

Overrides the intermission music
EXAMPLE: overrideintermission LUMP

Adds voting music to randomize between
EXAMPLE: addvotemusic LUMP1 LUMP2 LUMP3

Changes the default music lumps for voting
setdefaultvotemusic LUMP1 LUMP2 LUMP3

Removes a song from My Music for the specified map
EXAMPLE: delmapmusic MAP01 LUMP

Removes custom default music from a map
EXAMPLE: delmapdefault MAP01

Removes additional voting music
EXAMPLE: delvotemusic 1

Removes overridden intermission music
EXAMPLE: delintermissionoverride

Lists the current My Music table for the given map
EXAMPLE: listmapmusic MAP01

Lists the changed map music defaults
EXAMPLE: listmapdefaults

Lists voting music set by the player
EXAMPLE: listvotemusic

Queues a song to play. More than one lump can be used to create a playlist.

Lists the current queue.
EXAMPLE: listqueue

Clears the queue.
EXAMPLE: clearqueue

Victory Themes
Allows defining a unique top half finish theme for a specific skin.

(CVAR) Turns Victory Themes on or off.
EXAMPLE: victorythemes on

Adds victory music for the given skin. Like SPB music, an optional label can be provided.
EXAMPLE: addvictorytheme sonic LUMP "This is a victory theme!"

Adds a victory theme for top half finishes on the given skin. Supports labels.
EXAMPLE: addokayfinishtheme sonic LUMP "This is an okay finish theme!"

Removes the victory theme for the given skin
EXAMPLE: delvictorytheme sonic

Lists the current victory theme table
EXAMPLE: listvictorythemes

Megamix Themes
Allows changing invincibility or growth music for a specific character.

(CVAR) Enables Megamix Themes
EXAMPLE: megamixthemes on

Adds a invincibility theme for a given skin.
EXAMPLE: addinvincibilitytheme sonic LUMP "This is an invincibility theme!"

Adds a growth theme for a given skin.
EXAMPLE: addgrowththeme sonic LUMP "This is a growth theme!"

Deletes Megamix Themes from a given skin.
EXAMPLE: delmegamixthemes sonic

Lists the current Megamix Themes table
EXAMPLE: listmegamixthemes
All documentation listed here is also in dynmusic-doc.cfg, included with the download.
(I'm writing this before any questions have been asked, but I figured I might as well address them here.)

Q: I created a music/sound mod and I'd like to get it included in DynMusic, how can I do that?
A: Send me a PM (or a DM, @wolfs#2997 on Discord) and I'll look over it. If it seems useful enough, I'll see about including it!

Q: Why are none of my customizations working? Help!
A: You probably forgot to enable whatever module you're using. Check the command reference (or the example config) to find what you're missing.

Q: Can I repackage this with music?
A: Absolutely not.

Q: Can I repackage this at all?
A: Not without permission, no.

Q: I can't understand the code, can you help me?
A: No.
SPB Music was originally written by TehRealSalt, rewritten by james, and later expanded by wolfs

Final Lap Music was originally written by Zeverous and Snu, and later rewritten by Snu

Encore Music was written by SteelT

My Music was written by wolfs

Victory Themes was written by zxyspku and Lat'

Megamix Themes was written by Snu

A large portion of the helper lumps were written by james. He's the only reason this thing came out remotely functional!

The included sample pack uses the following songs:
  • Cornered (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) - GaMetal
  • Mikansei Love Mapputatsu! - Symphogear XV
  • Overkill Scythe Hell - Symphogear GX
  • Down in the Base - Sonic Adventure 2
  • Atomic Waste Zone Act 2 - Michael Staple
  • Eggman Empire Zone Act 2 - Michael Staple
  • You Can Do Anything - Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
  • Robotnik's Revenge - Virtual Sonic

Lastly, I'd like to thank some of the Kart community regulars for helping out with testing, you know who you are :P

The code for the Lua lumps can be found on our repo here. Changelogs can be found on the releases page here.

NOTE: The README.txt file in the FLMusic pack is outdated. Use the FLMPack.txt file included with v2 instead.

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  • dm.png
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PUT THIS IN THE "dynmusic.cfg" FILE, WHERE "finallapmusic on" IS
(dynmusic.cfg is just a text file, use notepad to open it)
(or load into the included sample pack if you're feeling lazy)

Or just do what SteelT says below.

finallapmusic on
addmusic MAP01 DMFL01
addmusic MAP02 DMFL02
addmusic MAP03 DMFL03
addmusic MAP04 DMFL04
addmusic MAP05 DMFL05
addmusic MAP06 DMFL06
addmusic MAP07 DMFL07
addmusic MAP08 DMFL08
addmusic MAP09 DMFL09
addmusic MAP10 DMFL10
addmusic MAP11 DMFL11
addmusic MAP12 DMFL12
addmusic MAP13 DMFL13
addmusic MAP14 DMFL14
addmusic MAP15 DMFL15
addmusic MAP16 DMFL16
addmusic MAP17 DMFL17
addmusic MAP18 DMFL18
addmusic MAP19 DMFL19
addmusic MAP20 DMFL20
addmusic MAP21 DMFL21
addmusic MAP22 DMFL22
addmusic MAP23 DMFL23
addmusic MAP24 DMFL24
addmusic MAP25 DMFL25
addmusic MAP26 DMFL26
addmusic MAP27 DMFL27
addmusic MAP28 DMFL28
addmusic MAP29 DMFL29
addmusic MAP30 DMFL30
addmusic MAP31 DMFL41
addmusic MAP32 DMFL42
addmusic MAP33 DMFL43
addmusic MAP34 DMFL44
addmusic MAP35 DMFL45
addmusic MAP36 DMFL46
addmusic MAP37 DMFL47
addmusic MAP38 DMFL48
addmusic MAP39 DMFL49
addmusic MAP40 DMFL40
addmusic MAP41 DMFL41
addmusic MAP42 DMFL42
addmusic MAP43 DMFL43
addmusic MAP44 DMFL44
addmusic MAP45 DMFL45
addmusic MAP46 DMFL46
addmusic MAP47 DMFL47
addmusic MAP48 DMFL48
addmusic MAP49 DMFL49
addmusic MAP50 DMFL50
addmusic MAP51 DMFL51
addmusic MAP52 DMFL52
addmusic MAP53 DMFL53
addmusic MAP54 DMFL54
addmusic MAP55 DMFL55
addmusic MAPH1 DMFLH1
addmusic MAPH2 DMFLH2
addmusic MAPH3 DMFLH3
addmusic MAPH4 DMFLH4
addmusic MAPH5 DMFLH5
addmusic MAPH6 DMFLH6
addmusic MAPH7 DMFLH7
addmusic MAPH8 DMFLH8
addmusic MAPH9 DMFLH9


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Does this mod work with Splitscreen?

Admittedly, splitscreen was not tested. Final Lap Music and Victory Themes have code to handle splitscreen players, but the other modules do not. If I had to guess, the result would be player 1's config applying globally to local players, and if not that, things just flat out not working for the other three players. If this proves to be an issue, I could look into fully supporting splitscreen in the future.

Glad to see this finally make it's way into releases! While it's quite far off, this would be a more than welcome feature to see in R2.
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I know for sure it won't work in spbmusic, 'cause I used a consoleplayer check.
So I have this issue trying to make a custom pack for Dynamic Music. The console returns this whenever I load the custom wad
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Chase_That_Dark_Spirit!_-_The_Twisted_Tales_of_Spike_McFang'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 9)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'SPBUNI'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 10)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'SPB_Rush'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 11)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Blood_Drain_-Again-_(Eltnum's_Theme)_-_Under_Night_In-Birth'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 12)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'SPBWL4'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 13)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'SPB_Rush'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 14)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Hurry_Up!!!_-_Wario_Land_4'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 15)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'P2BOSS'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 16)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Midnight_Channel'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 17)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Boss_Battle_-_Persona_2:_Eternal_Punishment'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 18)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'TPZEM'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 19)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Toxic_Palace_Zone'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 20)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Atomic_Waste_Zone_Act_2_-_Michael_Staple'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 21)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'VVZEM'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 22)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Volcanic_Valley_Zone'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 23)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Eggman_Empire_Zone_Act_2_-_Michael_Staple'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 24)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'N9SATN'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 25)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Tempest_Ridge_Zone'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 26)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Creator_of_Puyo_Hell_-_Puyo_Puyo_20th_Anniversary'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 27)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'M7CRSH'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 28)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Arena_Rush'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 29)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Rocky_Road_-_Crash_Team_Racing'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 30)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'MKWTF'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 31)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Northern_District_Zone'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 32)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Mario_Kart_Wii:_Toad's_Factory_(Remix)_-_Panman14'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 33)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'SA2LF'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 34)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Sonic_Speedway_Zone'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 35)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Sonic_Advance_2:_Leaf_Forest_Zone,_Act_1_(Remix)_-_teckworks'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 36)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'SMBJB'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 37)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Casino_Resort_Zone'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 38)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Bowser_Jr._Boulevard_-_Mario_Sports_Mix'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 39)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'S4SF2'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 40)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Cloud_Cradle_Zone,_Act_K'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 41)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Sonic_the_Hedgehog_4:_Episode_2_-_Sky_Fortress_Zone,_Act_2_(Remix)_-_NicoCW'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 42)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'CRSHAR'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 43)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Invalid field 'Arena_Rush'. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 44)
WARNING: MUSICDEF: Field 'Tiny_Arena_-_Crash_Team_Racing' is missing value. (file /Applications/Sonic Robo Blast 2 Mods/VGBDynaMusic.wad, line 45)
The info bar that shows the source of the extra songs doesn't show.

I also got this error trying to test it once
WARNING: .../Sound Mods/Dynamic Music/kl_DynMusic_v1.wad|LUA_FLM:194: accessed player_t doesn't exist anymore, please check 'valid' before using player_t.
WARNING: ...Sound Mods/Dynamic Music/kl_DynMusic_v1.wad|LUA_VICT:166: accessed player_t doesn't exist anymore, please check 'valid' before using player_t.
All of this code works perfectly fine with no errors when I load the sample wad, and I didn't mess up any formatting for the custom MusicDef.
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That MUSICDEF error would have to be your fault. The correct format is
Usage = SPB_Rush
Source = Artist_-_Name_of_Song

Lump NAME2

The Lua errors may have been my fault, but they shouldn't cause any problems.
If you're using a My Music setup for a map, is it possible to have final lap variants of all these tracks as well?
uh so it shows everything and like the console message saying music added but it didnt add the music, what do i do?
Where am I supposed to place the music files? I load the mod and every time I hit final lap it just gives me a console error of Music Cannot Be Found, Music Cannot Be Loaded. The error messages do not show were they are trying to locate the music. I've tried it just in the base game folder, and in a specific mod folder next to the WAD, but no luck.
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You need to make a WAD in SLADE and import your music files as lumps. Rename the lumps so the names start with "O_". This tells the game that the lump is meant to be music. Then name the part after "O_" whatever you want the song to be named.
DynMusic v2 has been released! You can find the changelog here. Notable additions include additional features for My Music and the new Megamix Themes module!

This release is reliant on features in SRB2Kart v1.2 and will not work on older versions. Please update your game before attempting to use DynMusic.
Updated DynMusic to v3. Turns out I accidentally broke Encore Music. Should be fixed now.
Hey so i have been absolutely loving this mod. I have been using it to make a whole ton of Final Lap Music for tracks that don't have it added yet and about 100 character specific invincibility themes, is there an easy way to use this mod to make it so that anyone that wants to join my server doesn't have to download like 1GB of stuff. I am fairly new to messing around with this stuff so any advice would be super helpful. I love what has been done already though.
Hey so i have been absolutely loving this mod. I have been using it to make a whole ton of Final Lap Music for tracks that don't have it added yet and about 100 character specific invincibility themes, is there an easy way to use this mod to make it so that anyone that wants to join my server doesn't have to download like 1GB of stuff.
Music-only WAD files (not PK3s) will not be downloaded by other players, that's just how Kart works.
I do enjoy the amount of customization you can make with this addon. Though there is one issue I noticed.

When I attempted to make a final lap lump for encore music, the game is saying that the command "addencoreflmusic" (according to the module description) is unknown. I have a normal final lap lump and it worked just fine.

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I really wish there was a version of this where things are just... already put together? I don't understand all this stuff about putting code in files and loading files into WADs. Also, I can't find any ogg files in the zip where the Music Pack document says they should be. ALSO also, I can't find a document called "dynmusic.cfg".

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