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  1. snoccy_

    the tags on the srb2 ost are outdated

    so basically i was downloading the srb2 soundtrack from the official website (here) and while in mp3tag i noticed that the artist credits weren't correct even though it says "clairebun" on the website, it isnt correct on the tags if this was fixed i think thatd be pretty cooool thanks
  2. snoccy_

    im going to be honest i dont like Sonic 1

    half the game (marble, labyrinth, scrap brain) is the exact opposite of what the game is trying to be, so true
  3. snoccy_

    Febuary 2000 Prototype Discussion (previously "First version of GFZ FOUND")

    holy. shit. this is genuinely so awesome, another part of srb2 history FOUND!!! :wonderful:
  4. snoccy_

    srb2 loading screen?

    what would an srb2 loading screen look like? of course this takes place in the alternate timeline where every stage is castle eggman 2 x4 and actually needs one. this can be text, image, macaroni art, whatever, and doesnt need to specifically be in the limitations of srb2 (considering you can...
  5. snoccy_

    What will the last version of srb2 be like

    Fun special stages
  6. snoccy_

    (DISCONTINUED) LFSonicGamesColorPack

    this is the best mod ever created in the history of sonic robo blast 2
  7. snoccy_

    SRB2Plus, and It's possible Return.

    this, amirite streamable link (RVZ1)
  8. snoccy_

    What do you hate most about the game?

    the netcode is older then sonic adventure
  9. snoccy_

    Custom Weather?

    is it possible to make custom weather using socs n stuff, something like ash flying around
  10. snoccy_

    So when SRB2 will Be on Steam

    i was just trying a while ago, works pretty well if you use the right mousepad to move the camera
  11. snoccy_

    Sonic 3 Sonic (tough sonic?)

    oh damn i wonder who that is
  12. snoccy_

    What do you think is the hardest special stage you ever played?

    this song gives me trauma
  13. snoccy_

    Invalid Removed Post

    if this is one of your "no brain" moments then i'd like to see your regular brain moments
  14. snoccy_

    What is the worst sonic you played? list 3 worst sonic game and 3 good sonic game *respect people opinion*

    so then there will be two sonic forces on the list i still dislike unleashed
  15. snoccy_

    favorite sonic ability?

    magic hands
  16. snoccy_

    I have a character called XSonic that i want to realease but its bad and it lacks any sort of lua

    the mods usually only accept mods that have either custom abilities, or custom sprites.. and you have two custom sprites
  17. snoccy_

    most irritating moment in srb2?

    netcode do i need to say more?
  18. snoccy_

    What would be your take on sonic?

    Personally I would like something extremely fast, but no boost gameplay. Something like using tricks to build speed, i.e Sonic GT. Also bullet hell bosses. That would be fun.
  19. snoccy_

    Favorite 2D Fan game?

    sonic ats is so good for no reason
  20. snoccy_

    What happens when you load a normal SRB2 map in SRB2 Kart or vice versa?

    I'm pretty sure Kart was made in 2.1, so whatever happens when you load 2.1 maps in 2.2, happens with Kart.