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Hello Yello! It seems you've stumbled upon my pack of seven ( number is subject to change ) characters!
This pack was created mostly to keep all of my characters for Kart in one place, and to make it easier on server hosts with file limits and such.

The current cast of characters in the pack are as follows.

Jason, my own character, hasn't recieved too many important to note changes, mainly because the characters that actually matter have gotten a bit more love in comparison. His stats haven't been adjusted, either, so he still has average speed and average weight to help him keep his ground.


Bomb, the easily dispatchable robot from Knuckles Chaotix, has gotten a complete resprite! He's been made bigger, but other than that nothing much has changed stat wise, so his high acceleration and lightness still remain.


Revitalized Chao has also returned with Bomb and Jason, sporting a semi-darker color and small sprite tweaks. Their stats haven't changed, so they can still be thrown about and get back into the race with ease.


Heavy has joined alongside Bomb! Being extremely heavy means that it's pretty much impossible to send him flying. The only downside is that his weight makes him pretty slow, but his high acceleration as a result allows him to get right back into the fight easily, so it's not all bad.


Mecha Sonic has crashed the reunion party! The angered robot has heard of Metal Sonic being invited to race with Eggman, and is naturally very furious! With a brand new cool voice supplied by Jeck Jims and high speed, Mecha Sonic is going to teach Eggman that he shouldn't be replaced by a piece of junk.


Hyudoro steals first place! The angered ghost has joined the other racers, albiet with out a kart. Like Revitalized Chao and Bomb, Hyudoro is pretty light. This lightweightness is balanced thanks to high acceleration.


Null Pikmin has been thrown into the fray! This strange type of pikmin has joined the roster, being very tiny in comparison to it's fellow competitors!
With small size, comes lack of weight and speed! The Null Pikmin can be pushed around the track, but can get right back into the fight on a moments notice.


The zip file contains the following;
KC_nosajchars_v4.pk3 - This contains all seven characters in the roster.
KC_nosajchars_v4B.pk3 - Version that removes Jason and Revitalized Chao from the pack.


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Welcome to releases! Though, if you need help making it a PK3, you could always try asking around the SRB2 or Kart Krew Discord channels, and take a look at the WAD2PK3 topic.
This is a GREAT set of characters! What stood out to me most were the signpost sprites—they're super cartoony and full of personality. I love that I can actually see Bomb in his kart now, too; his increased size is a pleasing improvement from the standalone version.

Just wanted to point out that the Chao is missing the shines on its wheels. I was also a bit disappointed that Heavy and Bomb recycled Metal's voice clips when Mecha Sonic got fresh ones. Might I suggest digging through the Knuckles' Chaotix sound effects for some retro noises? They come packed in with sounds.kart, so you wouldn't even need to worry about adding them in yourself!

Looking forward to seeing this on servers!
New update!

Thanks to Tiniest Turtles, the pack is now a PK3! Alongside that, the wheel shine issues with Revitalized Chao have been fixed, with an edited portrait to accompany these fixes.
Apologies for making another post—just realized adding bonuschars and this pack causes chao's wanted/ranking/minimap graphics to be overwritten. Probably not worth its own update to fix, but hopefully you can consider renaming those lumps whenever you next push a content update!
A new update has been released!

This update adds a new character, Hyudoro! The one of many ghosts from Sandopolis Zone back in Sonic 3 & Knuckles!

In addition, Revitalized Chao's mugshot conflicts with Bonuschar's Chao should be fixed now.
A long awaited update has been released!

Notable changes are as follows;
Added the Null Pikmin to the roster.
Added an alternate version of the pack that removes Jason and Revitalized Chao, for those who want only the unique characters!
I know Bomb and Heavy only appeared in one game and that game didn't have voice lines. Although having the same voicelines as Metal Sonic sounds a bit weird IMO
Is this pack reusable? Or can only one character be used? Mecha Sonic is my all time favorite Sonic char simply because of Alvinearthworm's Super Mario Bros Z series, and hearing Jeck Jim's voice on Mecha fills me with joy
Are you planning to make an individual characters version of this pack? I'd like to use the Sonic characters without the Null Pikmin on my roster
I play with 3D models enabled and for some reason Bomb (the character) is invisible for me.


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