Multilingual HUD

Multilingual HUD V12.0 - The Polish and Toki Pona Update

GreenKnight9000 updated Multilingual HUD with a new update entry:

Introducing Croatian, Portuguese, and Romanian!

HOOH BOY! Got a triple whammy comin at ya!
First of all, we got Croatian, with MASSIVE thanks and credit to RedSRB2 for providing the Croatian translations! You're a giga chad for contributing to the project!
Next up is Portuguese and Romanian! These two were fairly similar from what I've found, so I figured I'd do both of them and give you guys more languages to use! It's a win-win!

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GreenKnight9000 updated Multilingual HUD with a new update entry:

Introducing Italian! + MEGAPATCH!

Hello! I've come bearing gifts of quality!
First is a new language: Italian, translation courtesy of TheBlurCafé - thank you my dude! You're one of the chads!
Speaking of chads, we've got a MEGAPATCH of improvements to many languages thanks to the GOAT that is Aoz0ra for doing all these. Here's the following changes:
  • Croatian / Hrvatski: Tweaked accent marks (Š, Ž)
  • German / Deutsch: Tweaked umlauts (Ä)
  • Portuguese / Português: Tweaked accent marks (Ã); some spacing fixes...

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GreenKnight9000 updated Multilingual HUD with a new update entry:

Introducing Irish! + Korean Overhaul

Hello Everyone! This one's pretty amazing! First of all, I've added Irish to the list of languages you can play with! How lucky!
However, the real exciting news is that Korean has been given a complete and total resprite courtesy by the one and only Aoz0ra! Now it isn't giant and ugly looking! There'll be another resprite coming hopefully tomorrow or at least soon as well, so with that in mind, I won't be updating screenshots just yet.

Once again, Aoz0ra is an absolute...

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imagine if there was pig latin 💀
In French, your translation is litteral but the correct meaning, however most Sonic games still uses "Ring" to refer to actual rings

The "Bonus de Anneaux" should just be shortened to "Bonus d'Anneaux" unless you wanna use the "Bonus de Rings" instead
The Russian language is not translated very correctly

  • on the level completion screen there should be "бонус за время" instead of "времени бонус" and "бонус за кольца" instead of "кольцевой бонус" (incorrect declension of words)
  • after boss fight there should be "бонус за охрану" instead of "охрана бонус" (same)
  • on nights completion screen should be "продолжения" instead of "продолжать" (incorrect form of word)

and about the perfect bonus... well, in fact, everything is translated correctly, but I think that “бонус за безупречность” would sound better
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and a few more issue:
  • instead of "круг бонус" should be "бонус за круги" and instead of "ссылку бонус" should be "бонус за ссылку" (in fact, the word "link" in the context of nights in Russian sounds VERY strange and inappropriate, I would look for another word but I think so be it)
In French, your translation is litteral but the correct meaning, however most Sonic games still uses "Ring" to refer to actual rings

The "Bonus de Anneaux" should just be shortened to "Bonus d'Anneaux" unless you wanna use the "Bonus de Rings" instead
Thank you for the translation correction! I'll hopefully have the fix out hopefully this week!
The Russian language is not translated very correctly

  • on the level completion screen there should be "бонус за время" instead of "времени бонус" and "бонус за кольца" instead of "кольцевой бонус" (incorrect declension of words)
  • after boss fight there should be "бонус за охрану" instead of "охрана бонус" (same)
  • on nights completion screen should be "продолжения" instead of "продолжать" (incorrect form of word)

and about the perfect bonus... well, in fact, everything is translated correctly, but I think that “бонус за безупречность” would sound better
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and a few more issue:
  • instead of "круг бонус" should be "бонус за круги" and instead of "ссылку бонус" should be "бонус за ссылку" (in fact, the word "link" in the context of nights in Russian sounds VERY strange and inappropriate, I would look for another word but I think so be it)
Thank you! I had to rely on Google Translate and DeepL for translations, so I had a feeling they'd be a bit dodgy. When these corrections are done, I'll credit you!
Im Chinese and the Chinese HUD is... a mess.
Definitely needs an overhaul, including the actual text.
GreenKnight9000 updated Multilingual HUD with a new update entry:

Introducing Ukrainian + Chinese and Japanese Overhaul!

Hello everyone! Big update for you all!
I've added Ukrainian, and tried my absolute best to make sure the translation isn't super botched this time like I did with Russian. Thanks to Aoz0ra once again, we've had a touchup to Japanese (the one that started it all!) and A MASSIVE overhaul to Chinese, not only improving its appearance, but now including both Simplified and Traditional!

I'll update the submissions' screenshots later tonight, but for now, feel free to take a look yourself...

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Well... Graphics are a lot better of course, but there is still room for improvement. (maybe I'm too picky lol)
Also, the words are still incorrect.
I could provide some better translation... Maybe.
for french, instead of calling rings "anneaux" you should probably refer to them as "bagues" like in the original classic games' manuals or simply "rings" like more modern games.
GreenKnight9000 updated Multilingual HUD with a new update entry:

The MegaOverhaul Update!

Hello everyone! Incredibly sorry for the long wait. Life had gotten the best of me, and my internet was really doing a good job at preventing me from uploading any updates, but here we are! No new languages this time, but we've got a doozy of improvements for existing languages!

Every language except for the two Chinese versions: Changed the triangle and shades of red for consistency with vanilla SRB2. Converted all graphics to DooM format
Japanese 日本語 and Korean 한국어:...

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Hey all! The guy behind the Croatian translation here. I wanted to explain the Guard Bonus translation, since people may have got confused, so sit down & listen to this probably abysmal lesson.

You see, the problem is thqt Google Translate (which we will refer to as GT) does not convert Guard Bonus into its Croatian translation at all, as the "Bonus" word is same in both languages, just in the diffrent way of speaking, while the "Guard" word means "Straža" in GT. The word there is not the accurate translation ("Straža" is a word for people who work to protect places like jail, while "Guard" has several meanings in English).

Since Croatian is my mother-language, I translated the Guard Bonus into "Zaštitni Bonus" for @GreenKnight9000 to put into the Croatian HUD, as you can see in one of the Overview pictures. Some people that are Croatian & don't really know English might think that it would be translated to "Zaštitnički Bonus", but that would then translate to "Protective Bonus" in English.

Guess that will round up the possible confusion. Again, I'm glad that I was able to help and contribute to this cool project. See you soon!

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