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SonicHeroX45's Development Thread

On the first night pre-Xmas, I finally got to work! The next release begins at last!

On the third night pre-Xmas, I took a random break. I hope this doesn't cost me!
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On the fourth night pre-Xmas, I decided to stop doing this.
It will come When It's Done™ !
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Really cutting it close huh? No, this isn't about the Xmas Release. Actually, I guess it is. Anyways, I'm going on a family trip to Emerald Coast the Caribbean Islands for Christmas! Haven't been in a while, so it will be quite the welcome change in scenery. This DOES mean the Xmas (now Winter) Release is gonna be delayed until after I get back, I hope you all don't mind. Since it IS delayed though, I may go back and add some more "cool stuff" (no, I'm not elaborating)! See ya later!
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Really cutting it close huh? No, this isn't about the Xmas Release. Actually, I guess it is. Anyways, I'm going on a family trip to Emerald Coast the Caribbean Islands for Christmas! Haven't been in a while, so it will be quite the welcome change in scenery. This DOES mean the Xmas Release is gonna be delayed until after I get back, I hope you all don't mind. Since it IS delayed though, I may go back and add some more "cool stuff" (no, I'm not elaborating)! See ya later!
Wish you a great trip in Caribbean Islands! Maybe you can even see those iconic pirates there:worry:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Nothing to show in terms of progress (that I'm willing to, anyways). This might actually end up being bigger than 1.0...
Hello again!

I'm enjoying my time in the Caribbean Islands, and there's still a few days to go! I do intend on making the most of this whole thing, and that's why updates have been non-existent. I'm making that up with this quite big one here, before we start winding down and head back home for my 2nd Semester of College! Here we go, are ya ready?

Holiday Heroes doesn't exist anymore.

I'm J O K I N G. Regardless, I'm pretty sure some of you had a feeling that something like this was gonna happen if you've been watching the threads here and in the Discord Server. Constantly shifting deadlines, making promises that I don't tend to keep, etc. I want to do better, and I hope to start as soon as possible!

So what better time to start than now?

As you already know, I started the build formerly known as the Xmas 2023 Release less than a month ago. Then, this family trip happened. I left my computer at home since my mom talked me into it and she wasn't gonna budge. I haven't been able to work on the project here because of it. Looking back, it was definitely for the better. The conditions on the plane and here along the equator would have probably messed something up. I doubt you want to hear me flap my lips like a travel brochure though, so let's get right back to it.

Holiday Heroes is undergoing quite a lot of changes with this next build.

- Main Story Episodes are going back to the initial "Ultimate DOOM" format discussed a while ago: 9 Levels, consisting of 7 Main Stages, a Boss Stage, and a Secret Stage. The episode originally planned for the Xmas Release, "The Tree of Light" will be merged into the preexisting episode, "Palace in the Sky" to match this new/old format.

- The exception to this are NiGHTS Dreams, which will always be 2 Level Sequences of Nightopias (Multimare Courses) and Nightmares (Boss Fights).

- The main example of this is Palace of NiGHTS/The NiGHTmare from the Halloween 2023 (WEEN23) build and the upcoming OLDC, whichever comes first lololololol.

- Dedicated Game Style Episodes (DOOM, Sonic, NiGHTS, and anything else I do or don't add in the future) will not always follow the same format as the Main Story Episodes, but their role in the "overarching plot" will be for you to decide! :)

- Multiplayer Rotations will be merged into one singular rotation per gametype for ease of access, with corresponding subtitles for map classification.

With that, I've said all I will on that regard with the exception of one last thing:

The formal title for Holiday Heroes 2.0:

Seasonal Saviours!

See you later!
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I'm back from the Caribbean Islands! The (hopefully) Winter Release of Seasonal Saviours (Holiday Heroes 2.0) is back in development, get excited!
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Also, don't question it but I plan on incorporating this song in some way, shape or form...
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Also, don't question it but I plan on incorporating this song in some way, shape or form...
I remember hearing this song on Valentines Day last year. Not sure WHERE it could be, but it was pretty nice.
Also, hope you had the nice vacation on the Carribeans!
I remember hearing this song on Valentines Day last year. Not sure WHERE it could be, but it was pretty nice.
Also, hope you had the nice vacation on the Carribeans!
I think it's going in a very fitting place. Regardless, this is licensed music so I'll need a backup incase the artist comes in and asks for it to be removed (which is highly unlikely, but still possible). I do already have one in mind.
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Quick question, with mild importance. There is a Secret Exit in one of the new levels for the first Main Story Episode (the Secret Exit can be in any level starting with Episode 2). Would you like for me to hint at it with extra text in an Emblem Hint, or not? Keep in mind that this generally means that the Secret Exit won't exactly be too secret, and I know some people value self-exploration, even myself.

Example (that may or may not be in the first new level it is):
- Without Secret Exit Hint: Don't leave this at home!
- With Secret Exit Hint: Don't leave this at home, and don't forget to open that present!
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It's been a while since I've finished a map, hasn't it?
MAP05: Snowy Street (Sonic Style)
Starting from your rather humble neighborhood party, run down a road that's been torn up by something unknown and overrun by enemies! It's snowing too. You then see a massive electric wall as been erected around the City Hall! What the heck is going on? Jump up the surrounding buildings, run along the wall, and get inside!

Trivia: This stage was originally gonna have a completely different route that took you through an airport and ended you on a plane! Why would I scrap something so massive? I'm not gonna say much, just enjoy that present in your comically small house!
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I like the map, but i have a feeling this is genually too open. I understand that this is for exploration purposes, but even the official explorative maps like GFZ2 aren't this open-ended.
It's primarily the way the screenshot was taken. That particular location loops around the back, like how some city squares are constructed around my area (it's also smaller than it looks). I think you'll understand when the release comes around. On that note, the next map is almost done so expect that post later tonight or early tomorrow morning. I'm also moving back to the dorms tomorrow afternoon, since classes start back up again late next week!
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MAP06: City Hall (DOOM Style)
Is it just me, or is this place a LOT bigger on the inside? After jumping into the center of the city hall, you land in a conveniently placed fountain in the middle of the courtyard. Your only sense of direction currently is the statue in the center, which points towards the Receptionist Desk. Activate the colored buttons to open up more of the city hall, and get to the bottom of this!

Trivia: The city hall was originally going to be a science fiction facility with a VERY different architectural design, I opted for a city hall instead because I felt a sci-fi facility would look REALLY out of place in what's supposed to be a old school cityscape. I'll probably revisit the concept later on, but no promises!

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Wow! That's a lot done in a week, for me at least. I'm moving back to the dorms tomorrow, and classes for 2nd Semester start next week! This means I'll have less dedicated development time until March when Spring Break rolls around, but I'll do what I can! Here's a Development Update summarizing what's been changed since the Holiday Heroes Thanksgiving Demo:

- 2 New Levels: Snowy Street (Sonic Style) and City Hall (DOOM Style)!
- Score Emblems for Record Attack have been removed.
- 8 New Emblems: 4 In-map and 4 for Record Attack!
- Swapped back to the Old Emblem Tracking System.
- Level Headers for Episode 1: Levels 7-9 are completed!
- 6 New Music Tracks ("Intermission from DOOM" used in "Crossroads" has been changed to the IDKFA Album Version)!

What's left for v1.0:
- The rest of Episode 1.
- Cutscenes for the rest of Episode 1.
- Revisions to the Demo Cutscenes, if needed.
- In-map and Record Attack Emblems for the rest of Episode 1.
- "Winter NiGHTS", a NiGHTS Episode with winter themes like Christmas and New Year's.
- "Racing into the New Year!", a Circuit rotation for multiplayer.

I think a Beta is justified at this point, but I'll hold off of it unless y'all really want one. Anyways, hope to be back soon!
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I'm still here, I promise! Anyways, it's been a while, so here's some Work in Progress Promotional Art for Seasonal Saviours (Holiday Heroes v2.0)!
Happy Valentines Day!

In case it wasn't obvious enough, development has been slow this past month. I don't think it's speeding up anytime soon either. As such, I might as well give you something to hold yourselves over until Episode 1 gets done, so here's a beta! All the new stuff is a few posts above. A few things to note:
- Since the level headers for 1-7 to 1-9 are complete, but the stages are not, there will be some "interesting" results if you somehow end up in those stages. SPOILER: One possible way that this can happen is the secret exit in 1-5, Snowy Street.
- There are no pre-level cutscenes for 1-5 and 1-6 because Episode 1 is being rewritten entirely. I actually have a full outline of the story ready to be put into action across all four episodes now too (if you think that's a spoiler, look at the last post with the Promotional Sketch)!
- I was originally planning on using Bonnie Taylor's "Holding Out for a Hero" and a Remix of that same song for 1-7 and 1-8 respectively, but copyright exists (no surprise there), so that is no longer happening. They are just sitting in the Sound Test until they are removed. I do have "Plan B" songs ready, but they are not present in this build.
- I have considered going for a few smaller scale releases as opposed to one large scale release since it would make updates more frequent in the event that bugs or glitches need to be addressed. This SHOULD be in practice starting with the first proper release, which will be Episode One in it's entirety!

I think that's everything! Keep in mind I'm doing this whole thing solo, so do be patient as news and updates might be all over the place for a bit. Once again, I hope to have this addressed by the first proper release! See you later!


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Silly me! Of course I find this out a week later, but that build won't even let you start the game! TERRIBLY sorry about that. I have quite a bit of free time so I'll go ahead and fix that up (and maybe some proper placeholder levels for 1-7 through 1-9 as well as A FEW other things)! Hope to be done soon!
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It's been fixed, go play it now that you actually can!

Changes from Valentine's Day 2023 Beta (assuming you somehow were able to skip the hub crash):
  • Removed "The Hub Zone". there's only one episode (well, 2/3 of the episode anyways) and I'm not happy with how it turned out (it was also causing the game to crash... somehow), I'll fix it up and bring it back with Episode 2 when that comes out!
  • Removed Cutscenes. As stated before, the Story is being rewritten to fit a full four-episode plot instead of a one-shot. Hope you'll like it when it's done!
  • Removed Bonnie Taylor's "Holding Out for a Hero" and Quixotic's Remix of "Holding Out for a Hero" from the sound test and files due to copyright.
  • Placeholder Music for the Title Screen and Super Form (despite the fact you can only get it through cheats at the moment)!
Changes from Holiday Heroes' Thanksgiving 2023 Demo (the last fully playable build):
  • 2 New Levels: Snowy Street (Sonic Style) and City Hall (DOOM Style)!
  • Score Emblems for Record Attack have been removed.
  • 8 New Emblems: 4 In-map and 4 for Record Attack!
  • Swapped back to the Old Emblem Tracking System (if you were curious, the "new" system saved emblems via slots and not numbers).
  • Level Headers for Episode 1: Levels 7-9 are completed (no placeholder stages yet)!
  • 6 New Music Tracks ("Intermission from DOOM" used in "Crossroads" has been changed to the IDKFA Album Version)!
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Hotfix Time!
- Snowy Street has its music again. Had an issue with the Lump names.
- You now get taken to the Ending instead of Deep Sea Zone after completing City Hall.
- You no longer get the Super Paraloop Power-Up in The NiGHTMARE.
- Various files that were supposed to removed previously are properly removed now!

Side Notes:
- First-Person (chasecam) is STRONGLY encouraged for the DOOM Style stages.
- Download the rightmost file! That one is the most recent hotfix!

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Man, I need to learn how to BREATHE. Another Hotfix to actually put the new stages in Record Attack!
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I have not found anymore bugs. Enjoy the Beta!
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While I'm in the swing of things, might as well finish Episode 1 (or at least make some good progress, rushing is no good)!


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Halfway through Spring Break, and I'm thinking about a few things before putting them in. Here's a question for you: What do you feel is "essential" to the first release of any level pack or SRB2 mod? I'm quite curious.
The Seasonal and Holiday ties have been dropped! The identity of this project is being found!

Incoming Sneak Peek too!
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The Cutscene music for the Intro and Episode 1! Bet you weren't expecting a Sonic 4 Remix of all things! I've been listening to this guy's stuff for quite some time, so you can expect a lot more of his remixes showing up! If you want to listen to his other stuff, the guy is NicoCW (formerly known as Dr. Reverbnik)!
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The Seasonal and Holiday ties have been dropped! The identity of this project is being found!

Incoming Sneak Peek too!
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The Cutscene music for the Intro and Episode 1! Bet you weren't expecting a Sonic 4 Remix of all things! I've been listening to this guy's stuff for quite some time, so you can expect a lot more of his remixes showing up! If you want to listen to his other stuff, the guy is NicoCW (formerly known as Dr. Reverbnik)!
Ooh, I've used his remixes for half a year by now! Mostly for my S3AIR mod cooking up.

Can't wait to see what is going to happen for the Sneek Peak.

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