What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

but why the hell is there a portleg rule. i understand theft
portlegs are theft. hope this helps

i understand theft, but copyright over a fangame that's not even official, and that used multiple sonic characters.
"I'm stealing Sega's stuff but don't steal mine kthx" is literally how i can describe the law here.
it's not about stealing from sega, it's about installing a baseline for how artists would like their work to be treated. they put their own effort into the things they made, and, whether it's based on an intellectual property or not, i think that's worth respecting. it's like saying to someone whose fanart was reposted on twitter without permission that it's justified because they were not given a license to that intellectual property. artists deserve the respect of not having their artwork stolen or redistributed without their permission. i'm sure sega would agree.

also, it's just an alternate forum. this drama is all really stupid over another website.
said website has copies of mods that the original creators put their time and effort into reposted without their permission. a lot of said mods are either A. in official development for the current version of srb2, or B. can very, very easily be gained authorisation to be ported officially by someone else on the message board. it's very easy to get permission, but the people who port it without don't actually care about the artist, they care about having the mod in 2.2. otherwise, they would've gotten permission.
Bottom line: modders are people, not corporations. If you want to take something and then change it, ask. If they say yes, cool, if they say no, then that's okay too.

Also portlegs/edits and modding are not quite as comparable as you might think. It's the difference between a mod and a pirated copy of an indie game (it's chill tho the game is hard to come by now)

in my opinion, selling some kids lemonade back to consumers because you thought is wasn't sweet enough (you added more sugar it's your lemonade now) is not a good look
but why the hell is there a portleg rule. i understand theft, but copyright over a fangame that's not even official, and that used multiple sonic characters.
"I'm stealing Sega's stuff but don't steal mine kthx" is literally how i can describe the law here.
also, it's just an alternate forum. this drama is all really stupid over another website.
Well, it's not a matter of just copyright, but respect for individuals rather than billion-dollar corporations.

We don't care that it's an alternative forum, we care that it's stealing content and boasting about it.
We don't care that it's an alternative forum, we care that it's stealing content and boasting about it.
True, but some of the mods are new ideas and cool.
Let's shut this down before we all go at each other and get banned.
Oh! Anyways i seen Shadow The Hedgehog Plus! on workshop this shoud've been on red sphere instead of blue sphere as editing without Inazuma's permission doesn't count for blue sphere.
by our standards, yes.

but by their standards it qualifies as blue sphere because it's an addon to an addon.
True, but some of the mods are new ideas and cool.
And those mods would be more than welcome here. If those were all the Workshop had, the site wouldn't even need to exist because those mods would be perfectly at home on the MB. The Workshop only exists because a particular set of users were upset about not being allowed to steal mods.
It's pretty much a place where you can submit mods that were unapproved by original SRB2MB staff. It's filled with low-effort mods, stolen mods, portlegs and stuff like that.
...1: Why are portlegs a strictly BAD thing anyways?
If i really enjoy like... RpgSonic for example because of like... levelup mechanics that are based on score, and it doesnt have a 2.2 port because im pretty sure the creator left the community, And I port it after learning how to port- Is it bad that i made that port in the first place?

2: Have you seen the recent "Mods" on the MB? It is my opinion that they are mediocre at best!
Just "Meme" Character addons and Strange map packs; not enough to sustain the high bar that was raised by like... samus or something

3:"Stolen mods" Stolen modifications... Are mods art????
If these mods are art, Then Sega could be Suing SonicTeamJr For plagiarizing their uh... Brand? Artpiece? I dont know- Nevermind.
Its a Fangame! You are supposed to like... Play it! Not worry if that 2.2 port of RpgSonic isnt a genuine article!
...1: Why are portlegs a strictly BAD thing anyways?
If i really enjoy like... RpgSonic for example because of like... levelup mechanics that are based on score, and it doesnt have a 2.2 port because im pretty sure the creator left the community, And I port it after learning how to port- Is it bad that i made that port in the first place?
there are rules in place that allow people to port mods even if the creators aren't around. it's common courtesy to ask people for permission to use their works, and even if they're not around, there are rules in place that give you the go-ahead anyway as long as you make the effort to reach out. portlegs are what happens when people don't make the effort to get permission.

2: Have you seen the recent "Mods" on the MB? It is my opinion that they are mediocre at best!
Just "Meme" Character addons and Strange map packs; not enough to sustain the high bar that was raised by like... samus or something
you're very blind to the genuine talent and effort people put into their mods if that's what you have to say about them. samus is a good mod, one of my favourites, but it's easily one of the most complicated and i'm not going to die on the hill that people should strive to match that. even shine himself has said he doesn't want to. quality is 100% subjective but you're really limiting your own experiences if you're going to write off 99% of the mods released as bad or not worth your time because they're not as intricate or elaborate as samus. you'd surprise yourself. i definitely have.

3:"Stolen mods" Stolen modifications... Are mods art????
If these mods are art, Then Sega could be Suing SonicTeamJr For plagiarizing their uh... Brand? Artpiece? I dont know- Nevermind.
Its a Fangame! You are supposed to like... Play it! Not worry if that 2.2 port of RpgSonic isnt a genuine article!
mods are absolutely art. besides the fact that 90% of the work that goes into most character mods are the sprites (which i really hope i don't need to explain), every part of the creative process of modding is...creative. you're creating, putting things from your mind onto the canvas or file. that's art. creating is art. art is creating. and the notion that just because it's a fangame and not technically legal is horrible. there's a ton of work, time, passion and effort that's gone into srb2, and to dismiss it because it's just a fangame is just disrespectful.

disrespect as a whole is my main point of grievance here. you could go out of your way to ask for permission to port something, and those who do generally get a positive response, and sometimes even the go-ahead. they ask because they respect the art and the artist enough to give them the choice of how they would like their art to be treated, and in this case also preserved for what are functionally their original intentions. portlegs are ports without any trace of respect, because there's no input from the original artist. they're content to be consumed at that point. they're things to play, just like you described them. there's no art in them.
there are rules in place that allow people to port mods even if the creators aren't around. it's common courtesy to ask people for permission to use their works, and even if they're not around, there are rules in place that give you the go-ahead anyway as long as you make the effort to reach out. portlegs are what happens when people don't make the effort to get permission.
A good majority of the """portlegs""" I see on the Workshop actually credit the original creators of whatever assets were used.
Why is giving credit not enough for you people?

mods are absolutely art. besides the fact that 90% of the work that goes into most character mods are the sprites (which i really hope i don't need to explain), every part of the creative process of modding is...creative. you're creating, putting things from your mind onto the canvas or file. that's art. creating is art. art is creating. and the notion that just because it's a fangame and not technically legal is horrible. there's a ton of work, time, passion and effort that's gone into srb2, and to dismiss it because it's just a fangame is just disrespectful.

disrespect as a whole is my main point of grievance here. you could go out of your way to ask for permission to port something, and those who do generally get a positive response, and sometimes even the go-ahead. they ask because they respect the art and the artist enough to give them the choice of how they would like their art to be treated, and in this case also preserved for what are functionally their original intentions. portlegs are ports without any trace of respect, because there's no input from the original artist. they're content to be consumed at that point. they're things to play, just like you described them. there's no art in them.
"Content to play" and "art" are not mutually exclusive.

The notion that you can somehow control the hundreds (if not thousands) of people who play SRB2 into not using the free, easy-to-use tools they have available to them to port an older version of a mod they really enjoy is Chris Chan-tier "GET THAT OFF THE INTERNET!!!" naïve.

The fact that the word """portleg""" only exists here in the SRB2 community and nowhere else should be a problem in itself. The fact that people get witch hunted over """portlegs""" is a problem. The fact that of all the communities within the ever-expanding ocean called the Internet, with thousands upon thousands of modding communities out there, this being the only place where this is somehow a problem is a problem.

You make fanworks of a 25-year old Sonic Fangame for free. Understand where you are and stop acting like people owe you anything in return.
NGL (not gonna lie), this discussion got out of hand, and @Void Animates is just a dude who wanted an answer, not a 10 page document. And everyone is going at each other's tails.
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And don't get mad at me, because everyone knows I'm right, but they don't wanna admit it.
A good majority of the """portlegs""" I see on the Workshop actually credit the original creators of whatever assets were used.
Why is giving credit not enough for you people?

"Content to play" and "art" are not mutually exclusive.

The notion that you can somehow control the hundreds (if not thousands) of people who play SRB2 into not using the free, easy-to-use tools they have available to them to port an older version of a mod they really enjoy is Chris Chan-tier "GET THAT OFF THE INTERNET!!!" naïve.

The fact that the word """portleg""" only exists here in the SRB2 community and nowhere else should be a problem in itself. The fact that people get witch hunted over """portlegs""" is a problem. The fact that of all the communities within the ever-expanding ocean called the Internet, with thousands upon thousands of modding communities out there, this being the only place where this is somehow a problem is a problem.

You make fanworks of a 25-year old Sonic Fangame for free. Understand where you are and stop acting like people owe you anything in return.
"Please ask us first" is not exactly a difficult request to fulfill. I don't think it's us with the issues.

We aren't stopping you from making edits, we are criticizing you for publishing them against the expressed wishes of the artists here. "Please don't reupload my work without permission" is a simple standard followed by artists across the internet. We just call one particular kind of stolen work "portlegs" as community-specific slang.

The issue here is that you don't see mods as art or modders as artists, therefore you don't apply the same level of respect to them as we do.

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NGL (not gonna lie), this discussion got out of hand, and @Void Animates is just a dude who wanted an answer, not a 10 page document. And everyone is going at each other's tails.
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And don't get mad at me, because everyone knows I'm right, but they don't wanna admit it.
You do not have a right to shut down discussion. We are having a fine time discussing this, please stop trying to interfere, let alone egotistically insisting everyone thinks you're right when they clearly do not.
The issue here is that you don't see mods as art or modders as artists, therefore you don't apply the same level of respect to them as we do.
Yeah, and I don't have to because nobody is forcing me.
I don't respect people who use "art" as a sword & shield to make life worse for everyone else.
You do not have a right to shut down discussion. We are having a fine time discussing this, please stop trying to interfere, let alone egotistically insisting everyone thinks you're right when they clearly do not.
Actually, I do have a right to interfere. Look at the thread's title. And the first post:
Is this like, the new SRB2MB or something? Am I missing something here?
This was just a question. And it was a simple question. I can see people fighting over it.
there are rules in place that allow people to port mods even if the creators aren't around. it's common courtesy to ask people for permission to use their works, and even if they're not around, there are rules in place that give you the go-ahead anyway as long as you make the effort to reach out. portlegs are what happens when people don't make the effort to get permission.

you're very blind to the genuine talent and effort people put into their mods if that's what you have to say about them. samus is a good mod, one of my favourites, but it's easily one of the most complicated and i'm not going to die on the hill that people should strive to match that. even shine himself has said he doesn't want to. quality is 100% subjective but you're really limiting your own experiences if you're going to write off 99% of the mods released as bad or not worth your time because they're not as intricate or elaborate as samus. you'd surprise yourself. i definitely have.

mods are absolutely art. besides the fact that 90% of the work that goes into most character mods are the sprites (which i really hope i don't need to explain), every part of the creative process of modding is...creative. you're creating, putting things from your mind onto the canvas or file. that's art. creating is art. art is creating. and the notion that just because it's a fangame and not technically legal is horrible. there's a ton of work, time, passion and effort that's gone into srb2, and to dismiss it because it's just a fangame is just disrespectful.

disrespect as a whole is my main point of grievance here. you could go out of your way to ask for permission to port something, and those who do generally get a positive response, and sometimes even the go-ahead. they ask because they respect the art and the artist enough to give them the choice of how they would like their art to be treated, and in this case also preserved for what are functionally their original intentions. portlegs are ports without any trace of respect, because there's no input from the original artist. they're content to be consumed at that point. they're things to play, just like you described them. there's no art in them.
Many portlegs were insulted. Let me quote the end:
there's no art in them.
That's what I mean. Portlegs are just mods ported, and someone wants the mod to be compatible with 2.2.13. I've seen many portlegs and they are quite good (like the SRB2TD portleg that is unreleased). Look now:
Yeah, and I don't have to because nobody is forcing me.
I don't respect people who use "art" as a sword & shield to make life worse for everyone else.
They insulted you. It's like this thread as a whole has no respect. Just please listen to me, or we're getting nowhere.
Yeah, and I don't have to because nobody is forcing me.
I don't respect people who use "art" as a sword & shield to make life worse for everyone else.
You're right, you don't! But if you do something people have been criticized in the past for, you shouldn't be surprised when they criticize you too. I'm sorry your life has been made worse by *check notes* people asking you to not repost their work.
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Actually, I do have a right to interfere. Look at the thread's title. And the first post:

This was just a question. And it was a simple question. I can see people fighting over it.
It is incredibly common for forum threads to go far beyond the initial question posed. You are not OP and don't get to determine what was good for their question. Please respect our wishes and leave us alone.
Yeah, and I don't have to because nobody is forcing me.
I don't respect people who use "art" as a sword & shield to make life worse for everyone else.
then, respectfully, why are you in this community? everyone here who even so much as touches slade or zone builder is an artist, and deserves to have their work respected and not be treated like they're the person who have the least authority over it. it's not like i want to make life worse for other people, that's why i keep pointing out that there are rules that allow people to port things harmlessly and with respect for the author intact. it could have been so, so easy for people to have just asked. i emphasise how easy it is, because it is.

but maybe i'm wrong! who knows? maybe respect is actually a mountain instead of a street.
It is incredibly common for forum threads to go far beyond the initial question posed. You are not OP and don't get to determine what was good for their question. Please respect our wishes and leave us alone.
I will when someone respects the thread's owner. Minute after minute, they have their notifications flooded. I want to respect the OP and you guys, so let's keep it down a notch, okay?
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And anyway, like you have in your signature, trans rights are non-negotiable, and that should apply to this thread.

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