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this is a zone length experience to have a bit of fun with based on the scrapped zone from sonic 2 called wood zone

this will be part of a bigger project called eastside island

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rosie the racoon
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  1. save your game!

    wow thanks for making the save Jadoinka
  2. better act 2

  3. eaiser boss


Latest reviews

hey great mod! great use of slopes, and i like how act 1 kind of loops around. there are some missing textures though, and i think those would be simple to fix. i also think some railing could be added to act 1 where it loops, so you dont spin off back into the begining anyway, great mod, and i think your future mods will be even better!
Upvote 0
It's gotten a lot better since my last review! Although, there's one problem I have with it. You see, there is no rings in the boss act and you face off against 2 Vanilla bosses in one act (That's not how you do a boss battle usually)! So, if you can, make the boss much more easier! Also, again, it's gotten a lot better since my last review! Keep up the good work!
rosie the racoon
rosie the racoon
don't worry i fixed that
Upvote 0
i have to give this pack a 3 star rating because thats the average

winding woods zone 1 - 4 STARS!!! :D
i like this zone. texturing is a bit messy but the level design crosses over itself its really cool. and unique.

deep woods zone 2 = 3 stars! :)
this level was cool but its confusing. it has wind but you dont know its wind unless you try to jump into a pit and thats bad. some parts are very large and undecorated, but there is a awesome slope launch!

winding woods zone 3 = 2 stars :(
it has 2 vanilla bosses that are hard not to be hit by and no rings. it reminds me of my first Super Mario Maker map. this is so unfair for a first boss dont do this.

FINAL RATING! 3 stars becasue 4 + 3 + 2 divided by 3 equals 3 (were doing averages in my math class rn so i know what im doing).

i hope you really liked my review and i was helpful so you can get better in the future.

anyway i have one more thing to say you can use slade to put the 3 WADS into one WAD. Download slade and do that so that its a whole level pack instead of 3 separate levels that would be like really cool.
rosie the racoon
rosie the racoon
i will add a wind indicator then and i fixed the boss
Upvote 0
It's gotten better. MUCH better than when you started. But there are still a few points that feel unfair. Like the boss, GFZ and Metal Sonic with no rings. The boss really should have some starting rings. It took me more tries than I'm willing to mention to beat it.
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very good now its a lot longer but the path that kills you? thats unexpected meaning that no one is gonna know its there so maybe put an indicator that there is death?
rosie the racoon
rosie the racoon
screenshot where your talking about
Upvote 0
really great for your first map love it
Upvote 0
Actually not a bad start. It was pretty enjoyable. Would love to see this be improved upon and hopefully become an entire zone.
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