all of them are great except for teardrops shipwreck island because the intro is ass
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Despite their simplistic visual designs, these maps are genuinely really fun to drive on! The actual layouts are solid with balanced shortcuts and a lot of potential for speed! There isn't really anything glaringly bad besides maybe the frequency of itembox sets, it feels like there are much more sets per lap than the usual vanilla map, but I guess that could be a positive in some people's eyes.

Overall, pretty good! Excited to see what you make next!
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I don't really like leavin bad reviews on things because I try to see the good in everything, but I feel like it's necessary for me to go over this pack and where it's flaws really make it very difficult to sit through as a pack

I'm gonna go through each track individually because all of them have pretty noticeable issues that I hope you try to fix if this pack ever gets updated

mega fourest drive's biggest issue is a lack of signposts, making it a little hard to tell where you're going
this might also be a bit of a personal thing, but I feel the ringboxes are also a tad unnecessary, especially near the end
all things considered however this is probably the least offensive track of the bunch, it's pretty straightforward, just needs some ARK signposts I think

awesomeness clubhouse is a complete eyesore, the track blends in with the offroad, which blends in with the walls, making it impossible to see any items on the track
the tripwire shortcut is also extremely small for some reason? I'm not sure why but it just feels a bit weird for it to be so small, and potentially hard to see

evil leafy maze game is basically unplayable due to the fact evil leafy can teleport at complete random, into a random location, so you're at the mercy of this leaf at all times whilst trying to navigate a maze (which in my personal opinion does not make for a fun battle arena)
I legitimately had a round where I was driving towards an item capsule to prepare for the bonus stage, and she teleported on me and killed me instantly, ending the round before it even started and making me miss my chance at an extra life
was it funny? sure maybe a little, but I just don't think being funny makes for engaging gameplay like this

BFDIA 5b much like mega fourest drive really needs some ark arrows, it's kind of hard to see where you're going with the massive spike pits in the way
also I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but the tripwire cut at the start of the track functions as nothing more than a death trap, as the springs just fling you off the track
not really sure what's up with that
I also feel like the music choice could've been better, a 10 second loop of a song from the episode really doesn't cut it
finally, you might wanna make the checkpoint on the finish line wider, as me and my friends have had a couple races where we accidentally slip past the finish line, over the gap where it sits, and the lap doesn't count, costing us the race
it's a small issue so its nothing horrendous, but something that needs looking into for sure

yoyleberry gardens is kind of weird to me, I can tell it's trying to be peach gardens, but a lot of it's sections feel very weak and oddly designed
the tripwire at the start of the fountain also feels a bit like a cheap move since you cannot see it until you reach the top of the ramp, and the section afterwards just looks and feels very messy, not sure what's up with all that
all the yoyleberry bushes being solid makes taking shortcuts nigh impossible, though that might be a bit of a nitpick as I generally dislike most of ring racer's decor being solid objects

dream island is.... fine, but putting the capsules on the rooftops with no option to traverse between them besides jumping off, and using the springs again is such a time waster
it'd be better to add a small plank to traverse the roofs easier
the pool also suffers from the springs in the floor being really hard to see, I'd suggest making it wider or making a small ramp out of the water instead

lastly, blue four desert zone is a fine race track, but the cacti are a terrible obstacle
there is no reason they should instakill you over making you spin out, and making it so that items that can destroy them like invincibility growth or even the sneakers/garden top if you're going fast enough still kill you is downright scummy
they also seem to break races, as I've had moments where I'll finish a race, but my character drives into a cacti post race, dies, and suddenly my position will shift up or down depending if other racers post race do the same?
it's just very unnecessary and I believe making you spin out for touching them is a fine punishment, I'd rather be able to play a track than care about it's accuracy to the show honestly

I believe that's pretty much it, I do enjoy your dedication to BFDI, but I also would like to be able to actually race on these tracks to really be able to admire them more, and in their current state (minus mega fourest drive really) it's very hard to do so
I was in the middle of updating the map pack when you sent this. Reading through the review, this will actually help a lot on the map improvements. Thank you.

However, I still haven't figured out to change the tripwire sizes, so we'll have to deal with the tiny tripwires for now.

The cacti obstacles are intended to instakill, but I would love to know how to change it to where the cacti don't insta-kill anyone under the effects of invincibility but rather insta-kill to those who don't have the invincibility effects.
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