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    • Azglak reacted to Othius's post in the thread Add-on Ratings changes with Cool! Cool!.
      Oh, there's actually a fundamental difference here! Let me put it this way: 1 star is direct negative feedback that comes from somebody...
    • Azglak reacted to Pikaspoop's post in the thread Add-on Ratings changes with Cool! Cool!.
      1. This is an art community, it has been for years. 2. STJR does not manage the MB nor its rules, the Board Staff handles all that...
    • Azglak reacted to Noah Infinity's post in the thread Add-on Ratings changes with Cool! Cool!.
      A change for the better I think. A lot of addons were unfairly banished to no-rating hell and didn't encorage people to give them a shot...
    • Azglak replied to the thread Add-on Ratings changes.
      Kudos for the good move. Bold. I think this will be good in the long run, especially for newcomers. Also, the 100-character minimum is...
    • Azglak reacted to PencilVoid's resource Low Voltage Maps with Cool! Cool!.
      Low Voltage Maps is a collection of maps I have made for Ring Racers. Currently there is only one map; the map pack will be expanded as...
    • Azglak reviewed the resource Win Token Cup.
      I wanted to leave a review earlier, but I forgot to. Anyway, I really underestimated this pack because of the visual work, but after...
    • Azglak reviewed the resource The Chaotic Chaotix Pack.
      Poloy is your typical first map, nothing much, but Black Comet... My first reaction to seeing Mega Black Comet was a little...
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