[v1.6] Unofficial Level Design Collab: Summer 2021

[v1.6] Unofficial Level Design Collab: Summer 2021 1.6

Super stoked to see this out! Awesome! My favorite definitely has to be the crazy lua heavy city level!
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Starlit Skyway was the best stage in my opinion. Can't wait for part 2!!!
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On my opinion, this new collab levels have some sort of amazing maps.

But My favourite in this pack is Gate Garden, this map have a bunch of new content: like score diamonds, new enemies with different nice behaviour, a bunch of paths for all characters and a bunch of secrets too... Sadly the token door doesn't work on this pack (neither with noclip cheat), creator did a nice LUA script to keep players out of this room and the emblem inside it unreachable. Congratz!
Oh yeah. The Gate Garden emblem is a known bug. I have a fixed version... I just have to actually update the file LOL
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Amazing work! Everybody did a great job!
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This might just be better than the actual OLDC. Almost every map here is some form of gold, fantastic job to everyone!
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these guys did a amazing job on these stages bc they are dope af

keep up the amazing work you guys 💖
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