
  1. StarManiaKG

    [Open Assets] Find Entry in Archive - SLADE script V1.1

    The Easiest SLADE script to use! (...probably) General Usage Run the script, usually by right-clicking any entry, the blank area of the archive, or by selecting the Entry tab near SLADE's window title, as follows: Just input an entry name, like so... And voilà , provided the name you...
  2. StarManiaKG

    [Open Assets] The Story of Uncapped Revengence Discord the 3rd v4.1.0

    The Story of Uncapped Revengence Discord the 3rd, or TSoURDt3rd for short, was originally a compilation of both the Uncapped-Revengence branch, by Eidolon, and Discord Rich Presence Support, originally made by Kart Krew for SRB2 Kart and ported to Vanilla SRB2 by Fafabis. However, as time went...