
[Open Assets] Supercolors 1.3.1

Sol form will now only be recolored if a character actually has a seperate sol color.
Your chosen supercolor will now apply if you go super using RushChars' Sol Emeralds!


  • Fixed chatcolors appearing white due to grabbing chatcolor from brightest flash instead of darkest
  • Any color name conflicts will result in the cloned color having C_ appended in front of it (You can see this in console and in player setup)
  • supercolor command now displays your chosen color if not given a parameter
If some ghosts spawned by Blaze & Marine don't seem to color correctly, it's because the color of those ghosts aren't internally the same as their sol supercolor. This is not something I plan on changing, as I'd have to make internal exceptions on a mod-by-mod basis.
I uploaded the wrong version, my bad!
  • Cleaned up MT_GHOST coloring script
  • Added the ability to write external scripts to support mods that require player.scolor to use a custom supercolor. The script in question MUST BE LOADED BEFORE THIS MOD, and should contain the following:
if not M06_NEEDSCOLOR then
    rawset(_G, "M06_NEEDSCOLOR", {})

  • Fixed supercolors that don't end with a space and number having their names cut off (Such as Super Mystic Sonic's)