starschars: Ringloaded (DC_starscharrs)

starschars: Ringloaded (DC_starscharrs) v2.1

What permissions do you give others to modify and/or maintain your submission?
Modify: ASK ME - Maintain: IN MY ABSENCE - Others must ask me for permission before modifying my submission or use it in their own work, and I reserve the right to say no for any reason. However, if I can no longer be contacted, I give permission for my entire submission to be maintained by others.
I made sure my file(s) follow the Submissions Guidelines
  1. Yes
I named my file(s) correctly (see Filename Conventions)
  1. Yes

Current Version: v2.1

Hey! This is a sequel add-on to my previous spriting advents. We're starting small for now, but that'll change with time. I hope you enjoy my work!

NOTE: I plan on respriting (or porting) everyone from my SRB2Kart pack, so they'll be back in the future!



Roster (v2.1):
  • Serathiel [OC] (3 speed, 9 weight)​
  • Reese [OC] (2 speed, 5 weight)​
  • Canaro [OC] (1 speed, 7 weight)​
  • Jet [OC] (7 speed, 4 weight)​

  • Taupe​
  • Autumn​
  • Grape​
  • Cosmic​
  • Aromantical​
  • Ace of Hearts​
  • Two of a Kind​
  • Manual Transmission​

Serathiel: starserathiel
Serathiel (Ironman): starserathielr
Reese: starreese
Canaro: starcanaro
Jet: starjet
There are two versions of Serathiel. One plays with their normal stat block, while the other has the IRONMAN flag enabled. This allows them to transform into other characters!

  • FAVman33, FrivolousAqua, SilicDev: Providing the scripts present in the Lua version of my pack
  • You, for your support!!! Thanks for sticking around! :]
  • gameplay-1.gif
    3.6 MB · Views: 199
  • gameplay-2.gif
    3.5 MB · Views: 262
First release
Last update

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