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    • FAVman33 replied to the thread TAG Team Racing.
      A character showing up in a race really shouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things. The game already randomizes the characters to...
      • 1733082242499.png
    • FAVman33 replied to the thread TAG Team Racing.
      i'll be real i completely forgot there was gravflip in some stages LMFAO thanks for the catch!
    • FAVman33 reacted to VetoedCarotene's resource [Open Assets] ROBLOX Crossroads with Cool! Cool!.
      IT'S JUST ROBLOX CROSSROADS What more could you ask for? Straight from the depths of 2006, the classic free-for-all arena makes its way...
    • FAVman33 reacted to crystallinegazer's post in the thread TAG Team Racing with Cool! Cool!.
      all of the colors included in the pack are made specifically for some of the characters lol
    • FAVman33 replied to the thread TAG Team Racing.
      So genuine question: why DO people want to separate character packs so badly? especially TTR like.. this pack is basically a friend...
    • FAVman33 reacted to The Adventurers Guild's resource TAG Team Racing with Cool! Cool!.
      What do you get when a bunch of nerds get together to mod their goobers into Ring Racers, and then some? This pack, supposedly. (Just...
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