SRB2infinity - A Phantasy Star knockoff!

SRB2infinity - A Phantasy Star knockoff! 1.10.3

As if SRB2P wasn't crazy enough of a custom game mode, you just go and create an MMORPG.

Even playing this in its beta state, it was a super fun time as well as incredibly impressive to witness on the technical side of things. The choice from three vastly different gameplay styles, as well as a loot system, buying and selling stuff, even rare drops keeps the gameplay fresh and downright addicting. It's so satisfying coming back from a mission and mass selling all the stuff I don't use for my current run/class, keeping the stronger gear or even choosing to keep slightly weaker ones just to have element diversity.

Enemies having their own unique combat abilities also makes for downright threatening encounters with fish of all things. And the bosses are very intimidating when they can wipe you out easily with a few mistakes from your side. I really like how, even if you die in a mission, you can still go back to the latest checkpoint and keep going. Of course, it affects your rank, but it's still a really good thing to have.

I haven't even beaten a full campaign yet, I've only really got to the third set of missions and even then it was super engaging. This mod is a MUST with multiple people, though - running around with a squad of diverse team members (or funnily enough, 6 shadows with guns) is really, really fun. I've had such a chaotic time fighting a boss while my team members kept dying and me trying to revive them all the time, while also dying myself.

My only honest critique is that the gameplay can sometimes feel a little slow, but I grew to manage it and appreciate its slower pace, even though sometimes I wish I could pull off a DMC combo on a poor crawla.
A fantastic mod, can't wait to join massive servers with gun-sword wielding maniacs. Welcome Aboard!
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i can use gun. very amreican
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I don't know how to hold the weapons
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The peak of SRB2, pack it up gamers
I'm definitely not saying this as a Phantasy Star enjoyer

Easy to learn, very customizable, with each class having its (mostly) intended use. You really nailed down a lot of the charm the series had at that point of its history, and I'm lookin forward to the stuff people make for this.

That one final boss attack still got some goofy hitboxes though.
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I'm not a fan of having to stand still to attack, but that's just a detail. One of the most fun game modes I've ever played. I can't wait for bigger campaigns for this mode as it's amazing and so well done!
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awesome mod ever
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This is a very concept for Robo Blast but the gameplay not really engaging imo
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amazing RPG on SRB2
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This is a full-on Action MMO experience condensed into an SRB2 mod. ...I swear to God Lat' is some kind of wizard. How do people come up with these things?

Combat is fun and highly varied, if a bit rough around the edges in places (Ranger is a particular sticking point for me, having PP management issues that result in a lot of waiting around), but the real star of the show is the social aspect. Hopping into a server, gearing up, and rip-roaring through the campaign with a team is an absolute blast. Throw in a fully-functional emote system in the style of Symbol Arts, and you have yourself a fantastic way to burn an hour or three, either with friends or strangers.

My biggest complaint is that I want so much more of this, and that is a wonderful complaint to have.
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Been having fun so far in this mod as both a sonic fan and phantasy star fan. But I seem to hit a snagfu in canyon mission 2-1, for some reason the jump pads aren't showing up for me to retrieve the keycard needing to advance the mission. At first I thought killing the enemy on the platform last made the keycard spawn on it making me think I soft locked the game. Upon watching a walk through I saw there was jump pads that help retrieve the keycard though when went to play through the mission again, still no jump pads. I don't know if it's the version I'm playing on or if I'm missing a file but am I the only one that has this issue? Still this a fun mod to play. Kudos to you!
This is unfortunately a bug with the Android version of SRB2 most likely related to the fact that some objects are disabled when too far from the player to save on processing power, if there are optimization settings, see if disabling them helps.

I don't officially support the Android version as its specific quirks make it hard to maintain, sorry.
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Are there any weapons that have the rainbow star/yellow star proficiency or is it just the red star proficiency for now?
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OMG this my Fav mod now. I love it
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its perfect super fun with a friend too
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i didn't expect much from this since it sounds silly, but it's *incredible*. I've had a ton of fun with this, more than most official Phantasy Star games i've played! (Maybe just because this is smaller and more manageable?) I've only played through as Hunter so far (both difficulties) but i intend for two more full plays, especially if i can get a group together.

The combat is really well-tuned with a *lot* of genuinely interesting strategy if you're going for ranks. The enemies are a lot more varied than i'd expect, and i was switching between all 3 different hunter weapons just based on what's the safest/best for any given situation, which is really rare to see in games in general, let alone an SRB2 mod! Special shoutouts to the final boss for being amazing too.

The one "bug" i'd like to report is the sometimes extremely loud enemy/item spawning sound since they all stack, especially when a boss dies. It's an actual health hazard to some people like me, and i know stuff like that isn't uncommon in SRB2, but since there's only one cause of it in this mod, it's worth fixing it whenever the next release is (just limiting it to one instance per frame somehow).
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Anything that awesome should have a story mode.
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hoping this gets an overhaul someday🙏
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Absolutely gas game mod that really scratches the Phantasy Star Online itch that I've been having for years.

The current version is relatively bare bones compared to what a potential final and complete experience would be but what I see hear in combination with the community and their modding contributions give this game probably the potential to give a unique experience that meets and maybe even passes its contemporaries that are officially from Sega.

As someone who's been playing PSO since DC V1, all the way up to NGS with over 15k hours on PSO2 over the course of 10 years and a long time player of SRB2 itself; this mod feels like a hole made just for me.

Recommend this heavily if you're an enthusiastic fan of Phantasy Star. The fact that this experience is being delivered with a Sonic theme ala SRB2 is icing on the cake, but most importantly; if this is anything like SRB2P, this mod will have its own identity in time that allows it to give a game play experience that can't be found anywhere else and instead of making you feel like, "Wow this makes me want to play PSO/PSU/PSP/PSZ/PSO2/PSN." it instead will make you want to say, "Wow! I want to play more SRB2i!"

The game is still buggy and unfinished of course so it still feels like something that just left the proof of concept stage, but with respect to that; I think it's fair to say no SRB2 mod comes polished out of the box; especially when the undertaking and vision is incredibly vast and robust. So I wouldn't personally hold any issues such as bugs or missing features against this mod and I implore you to see it for what it would eventually be.

If you choose to take issue with aspects of the mod then so be it; I'm only mentioning this to help temper expectations. :)

10/10 new hobby will be around in this community for ages to come.
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litterally AWESOME but no seperate chat mod :(
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Honestly, insane addons like this which totally change up the gameplay style are phenomenal and I'd love to see more of these. 10/10.
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I've only gotten through the first level so far but this is extremely impressive

This is beyond my ability, but is there any way for you to make it so that the buttons labels show the current key icon instead of FIRE, NFIRE, C1 etc.?
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