Sonic Adventure 2 Battle 2.2 Port

[Open Assets] Sonic Adventure 2 Battle 2.2 Port 2.2

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A Classic 2.0 map pack ported over to 2.2 in all its glory!

-14 Levels going over most of SA2's Hero Story
-5 Unlockable Bonus Stages
-41 Emblems To Collect
-Improved Textures
-Fixed Bugs
-16 Player Multiplayer Support
~SA2B 2.2 Port Credits~
XG5(Me!)- Ported the level pack to 2.2
STHE123O/OmegaShow- Made the original level pack
Mr. Thompson/HYPER SONILDOW- Helped port the original 2.0 version
vectorfan1/ViluVector- Made the Big the cat sprites
Glaber- Provided the base 2.0 wad, old srb2 assets and fixed Final Rush as well as helping me out in some places
Xian- Provided the lua script responsible for making the 8 minute unlock work
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. 2.2 Update, More bug fixes and extras!

    Somehow missed even more bugs. Fortunately these were all reported rather quickly so here's the...
  2. 2.1 Hotfix

    Looks like i overlooked some stuff lol. Anyways here's what's changed Fixes: -Old Snappers...

Latest reviews

peak. perfect. awesome. amazing. W. valid. have a nice day. awdrjsfkldhkgjdsfhjkghskdjlghkjfhdghjkfhlkaejgdsgkl
It's great, man.
Upvote 0
this mappack is good i must say, but its been years and the mod is just only the hero story and not dark story? bro, why no radical highway? or cosmic wall, or dry lagoon? also final rush is the worst recreation and most difficult to complete. its literally designed to make u fall off, why couldnt you use a grinding script?
Upvote 0
The levels even look better in this port! (If they even look different at all)
I just don't get why parts of some levels were cut, I swear Final Rush is like a 3rd of the original wad's size
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If you really just want to play SA2B with other SRB2 characters, then you might as well get it. I just find some things a little odd.

/ Aquatic Mine and Crazy Gadget are absent, oddly
/ A lot of stages seem to be cut short.
/ Final Rush notably is completely different than how it is in SA2B. I would be fine with having levels be reimagined, but City Escape looks to be a close replica...
/ Death Chamber and Meteor Herd are a bit on the small side
/ No Dark Story. (Yet.)

If you want my idea on how to make Aquatic Mine, maybe have three copies of the same stage with the difference being how high the water level is, and include teleporters on the switches.
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The UI is really cool. I do appreciate this a lot. Some of the stages could use some tweaks like Green Forest and the paths you take has more of a half pipe structure to them in the actual game. Metal Harbor had odd gaps to clear in the stage. Prison Escape (Tails level) was money!!! Keep up the great work and a SA1 with this next to each other when fully fleshed out will DEFINITELY be my go-tos for replaying both titles when in the mood (instead of breaking out the gamecube). Thank you!
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I could've sworn the levels in 2.0 were a bit longer. Some stages seem to be cut shorter here.
Ah well, at least we don't have to rely on an unofficial portleg. Right on!
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Yay, now i dont need to download the unofficial port anymore, sonic adventure dx port when
Upvote 1
i like this! it's so fun to play! sonic adventure 2 is my favorite! and battle too! you should do sonic adventure dx 2.2 port and replace open your heart with perfect chaos revival in the perfect chaos boss because open your heart music is copyrighted!
Upvote 2
Aw Yeah! This is Happening! i hope i try this after I Got Adventure sonic lol Nice!
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Awesome port! 5 out of 5.
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