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Now with a new character!

First off, the Slugcat.
Hey, this slugcat's kinda small... Are you sure it isn't a slugpup?

This is my first addon for any category on the message board.
this was made with the intent to be openly available to be edited, whether to make the rest of the official slugcats, make modcat skins, recreate DMS skins, or even just to tweak it, so feel free!

Speed - 5
Weight - 5 (this is more meant to be a generic slugcat or SlugNPC)
Rivals (with references) - Wonder Boy (Lizard), Battle Kukku XIV (Vulture), Zipp (Centipede)
name - slugnpc (as of 1.1)
Realname - Slugcat
Prefix (if you want to know) - SCUG
prefcolor - Slate (as of 1.1)

Next up, the Wyvern:
"nyoomdle" -someone on a server I'm in

it started as a funny idea, then ended up having probably more effort put in than the slugcat.

Speed - 6
Weight - 7
Rivals - Maimy (a single well-aimed flail throw can defeat a wyvern), Shadow (shotguns and the Onyx blaster with explosive bullets are also effective against wyverns), Steve (people have compared minecraft to terraria, and there's been multiple crossover mods for both games)
Name - terrariawyvern
Realname - Wyvern
Prefix - WYVN
Prefcolor - White
  • sprites.png
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Latest updates

  1. Tweaked tweaks

    I finally found a good way to have proper height consistency with the wyvern. (Thank you, Togen!)
  2. More Wyvern tweaks

    This update was mainly to fix the height inconsistencies the Wyvern has, albeit with varying...
  3. Obligatory tweaks to Wyvern

    Okay, this one started as just adding detail to define the wyvern's sclera more, but then I kept...