This race track has a vaporwave garden track from when I did a dream related SRB2 video?
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Kinda hard to put a global rating with all of those map made by different poeple, I will do a quick resume of what we , me and the poeple from my server, think of each map.

Rally Refinery : Probably the most hated map , the box are way to punishing for everyone, and some patern are very hard to dodge. Touching a box is an "almost" garantie death pit for you.

Dimensional Cruise : Very cool track, the first turn is a tiny hard for newcomer tho. Gravity change also mess up a lot of poeple.

Dusk Falls : The favorite one from the server. Relaxing map

SS91 Miracle Lancer : my favorite map of the whole pack. Funny tube, sharp turn, very exiting. The cut could be reworked , it's a tiny jank sometime.

Prisonic Fairytale : To much cut for such a small map. And the final cut is almost as fast when you take it without boost. Music is weird for most of the poeple. Poeple usualy don't like the map.

Vapor Garden : Very cool visual. The cut is however way to jank and hard to take. I think the sneaker pannel next to the tails statue should be remove , as you are almost garantie to bonk the wall because of the boost.

HighRise Havoc : RailGrind is funny, that's it. The layout is maybe too simple? Poeple seem to be quickly bored of the map. It's a cool first try map tho. (also please reduce the size of the music file!)

Imperrial Rose garden : The most neutral map of the pack. It neither great or bad. idk what to say.

Magma Valley : Global cool map. But it's can be a tiny broken on Normal speed (even more on easy speed, but lol easy speed?). You HAVE to do a mini turbo on the first red spring or else you might fall in the pit.

That's it for wawe 1. Because of some of the disliked map and the extrem HUGE addon file, I have decide to remove this pack from my server.
Also, the funny ballon replace the funny desert bouncing ball ?(idk the name of this in english) This need to be fixed.

Wawe 2:
Rusty Rig : Probably the less favorite map from most of the people, it is however NOT bad. The converor belft is pretty well used. I only don't understand what's the point of the left path at the end of the track, it very risky to take, and the next item box are very near to the start (if i recalled corectly)

Foggy Complex : Better Misty Maze. I love how the pillar waterfall at the begening of the stage is justified when you go up on the stage.

Neo Metropolis : A very cool stage. But it has unfortunaly to many jank stuff. You can get stuck in the green path, you can get bonk very hard in the elevator. Your projectile can bounce back toward you when opening the green path.

Neo Arid Sand : A cool map with no big default. The only thing that could be cool to add is a better visual limitation for the off road at the end of the track.

Techno Hill : The map is globaly fine except the very last part of the map where it's... strange... You can do a cut here (cut at the end is globaly not great) , you can do it without boosster, and the checkpoint (or boss way point, idk yet) seem to be badly placed. Cool easter egg tho :)

Death Egg : Cool map, just turn up a tiny more the light . It's kinda too dark for me. Unleashing the metal Sonic in Encore is a sweet detail (to bad he often get stuck).

Pretty solid map overall.
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A must-play - these are some of the highest quality maps community authors have put out, even beating some classic level packs that have been put out throughout the years. Competitions like these is how you get some seriously talented stuff put out like this. Only one can imagine if the authors did a collab together.

There is no one single bad level. There are no glaring balance issues or lawnmowering to be done. There are funny easter eggs in some maps. There are Time Attack ghosts to practice with. This pack drenches creativity in each and every single map. This is the result of iteration throughout the years by the community figuring out layouts and aesthetics that are ultimately fun.

All-in-all, give it a try, as it will become ubiquitous in custom servers for months to come.
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An overall great collection of maps that are 4 laps long or more.

And because it's a collab, you can expect many different ways to tackle maps, from courses with vanilla textures focused on keeping up the speed, to new ideas like grind rails and even some thematic courses! Do take into account, though, that the size of some of these maps make it more challenging for heavyweights than usual.
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The overall quality of the maps were fantastic.

I'm sad that the beach balls in Vapor Garden overwrite the vanilla tumbleweeds and that Rally Refinery can cause crashes in software :(
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