man honestly this is just okay, congratulations i suppose for making a working mod in such a short timespan, but that lends it to being not well crafted or thought out at all. i will start out with some positives though, the concept is extremely novel and something, given enough time and care, i would absolutely enjoy in srb2 given its level design, but the amount of bugs and glitches, especially with the homing attack, which can sometimes result in me not swallowing an enemy and instead leaving them coloured and tiny, or even kill me by getting stuck in a wall, and the fact that the way this was executed really dampens the experience. i really hate that you have to come grinding to a halt every time you eat an enemy, it makes more sense with the homing attack but doing it all the time deincentivises me from ever wanting to do it.
overall, great concept, but this is an extremely big sign that you have to spend more time thinking about how the concepts are adapted into srb2 and how you can make a fun experience out of them.
Because he can look around like up and down. and about the touhcing and deleteing the enemy: It only happens when you are bigger than FRACUNIT so im gonna change when you are 2 and a half FRACUNITs