This is the best mod ever better then modern sonic v6 better then adventure sonic this mod has beautiful sprites
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This is an amazing character and fun to use! I would like to see it have a signpost animation or it be playable in a special stage, but overall it is very fun.
Sorry, late reply but. Thank you for the feedback, I was trying to make a signpost sprite and make him playable in a special stage, but I haven't test him in a special stage. But I'll see the results!
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I would hate this because joke mod but this heavily reminds me of that Taco addon and I liked that Taco addon, so 4.5/5
I'll remove the (A Joke Mod) in it, sorry if it wasn't the type of thing to do.
Upvote 2
if you ask me, it tastes like 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214, could just be me though

ok but in all seriousness this is amazing
+1 star for being timed nearly perfectly for pi(e) day
+1 star for the funny glowing pie
+2 stars for it existing
Upvote 0
Pretty cool, the update makes it even better!
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