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Nick's Pizza Time / Pizza Time v2 1.3

This one is very well made and I love it.
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every level has 28 seconds max, making it impossible to beat later levels without pizza face being summoned.
reminder: this is for multiplayer, we cant just let the pizzaface player wait 2 minutes to be summoned
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Beautiful Mod will it take month or weeks to finish ntopp v2?
honestly think itll take longer than a month
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Incredible! I can now take away my boredom with this mod
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This mod has a lot of potential and I had a fun time playing it. Up until THZ1.

It is very clear that this mod is not fit for the base game considering THZ2 & DSZ1 are impossible (more probably but I gave up after DSZ1)
we're working on it, v1.4 should have thz1 and 2's map mods will be remade to fit with what were going for.
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I can tell this mod is awesome, but im having problems having it actually work. I've put it in the addons folder, activated it after loading in and when i reach the end of a level nothing happens. But it does look good, and nice job making it.
host a server by yourself, is a custom gametype
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Cool mod! I absolutely had fun playing this, although can you make a version where it takes pizzaface 2 minutes to spawn?, cuz pizzaface spawns way too early and i think it would be better for people who play this mod alone
this mod isnt intended to be played alone and is meant to be played with friends, is the reason why is a custom gametype
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OUUUTSTANDIIIIIING!!! One of the best mod ever! Incredible! Pizza time is just like in game. AWESOME!!
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Fun mod but could you make it work on Single Player please? i would love to combo this up with Encore mode!
also why is the weird thanos (or idk i still need to play the original game) on GFZ1 sideways?
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