The Track Crystal Caverns Classic What's the Ost Called
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True to its name, MidPack is as average as it can get. That's not BAD or anything, but at the same time, these tracks each have their fair share of problems.

However, I'd like to start out by saying that this take on a paraglider mechanic is pretty bad. It's insanely restrictive on movement, a very boring and slow "go from here to here" type of mechanic, and a mechanic I end up avoiding at all costs if possible. But considering it's on EVERY map and doesn't do anything to change itself up every time it appears, avoiding it is unlikely. Anyways, on to the maps:

Ring Circuit
- A wall at the beginning turn is missing its textures on OpenGL.
- Some textures on the sky are sharing the textures on the bridge
- The visibility of the area leading into the paraglider section is pretty limited and obscures the sudden left turn you need to do in order to set up for the paraglider itself.
- Item sets are a bit close together and not much item interaction can be done considering the nature of the course. 1st set is a big spiral with not much change to aim an attack, 2nd set is during the stiff paraglider section, and 3rd set is near the finish line.
Frozen Forest
- The general aesthetic of the starting area doesn't really look like a forest but rather a long wall of wood texture. Maybe work in some grooves in the geometry to make it look like a row of trees rather than a WIIIDE tree.
- An icicle in the paraglider section has wonky texturing in OpenGL
- The top path at the paraglider section is pretty easy to take and despite it skipping an item set, there's no risk because you still have your item from the 1st set.
- The section after the paraglider area has you boost up a slope and you immediately need to hang left to go through the serpentine turn. The area at the top of the giant slope has a tendency to launch you off the ground which can make adjustments to not bonk the wall impossible.
Emerald Plains
- The staring area is just a void of skybox textures. Doesn't feel like a plains area.
- Entering the cave, the same texture for the road area is also used for the walls inside the cave, so it blurs the fact that it's a wall up ahead. The arrow also doesn't do a good job pointing towards the turn. Said turn is also VERY lumpy and misshaped when inside.
The texture used for the road inside is also the same texture used for the offroad at the starting area which breaks consistency.
- The paraglider section doesn't set you up for the upcoming turn very well because it's a short spiral turn that starts on the left but the stiffness of the paraglider doesn't allow you to adjust until you land.
- The last item set is too close to the finish line.
Dark Caverns Classic
- The ramp in the offroad area at the start doesn't really need to be there as cutting the offroad is strong enough when using a shoe.
- Inside the fort, the road and wall sharing the same texture somewhat obscures the road going up.
- During the paraglider section, if someone hits you in the side, it's possible to get sent all the way back down to the previous area. It can also be done by hitting the leftmost pad and bonking the top of the cave.
- Taking the underwater section in the last cave area will spit you towards a wall at the end. Maybe some signage pointing the way to go would help that.
Molten Factory
- The jump sends you JUST short of bumping the wall with a lower speed character. Please raise the entrance to the other side of the jump so that it's not possible to bonk with a high speed character or Grow.
- Right after the jump is an area with a dark strip in the middle. You can follow this line all the way to the next section only to find out the white sides have stairs while the dark line is not sloped up and is instead a wall. This should be sloped up.
- After the paraglider section, you go into a room filled with the flashing hurt textures from Egg Rock into the pipe. These flashing textures aren't real pleasing to look at, especially to people who might be sensitive to such texturing.
- The final section has a split in which you can go left or right. The right path is always faster to take and you don't need to deal with the stiff paraglider either.
Cliffside Way
- The beginning section's road and wall textures are the same which hurts road visibility. This is especially true at the 1st item set where a turn seems to just abrupty appear because the textures blend so much that I don't register the wall ahead.
There's also signage AFTER the turn when it should have been moved up before it.
- The bottom path before the finish has a small, mouth-like build that leads you towards it because it's the first thing you see, only for you to round the corner fully and realize you went real wide and the correct path is on the other side.
Mount Sun Classic
- Some textures in the sky are sharing the textures on the ground.
- It's a long, featureless drag race to the finish. Kinda boring.
- The stalagmites in the dark area of the right pit having the same texture as the road, combined with the darkness, makes it impossible to see them and will send you flying into the wall.
- There's sudden offroad going up the purple mountain which feels unfair considering there's no time to react.
- There's a set of boost pads in the purple mountain facing the wrong way.
Dark Sideroad Classic
- It's TOO dark for default gamma settings.
- Map becomes pretty... barren as you go along? Pretty strange.
Emerald Hill Classic
- Musicdef is broken here.
- Starting turn is unreactable. It's an immediate downhill into a wall. The blue springs also just shoot you into a wall.
- Cave in which the wall and floor texture is the same which hurts visibility.
- Overall this map needs to just be bigger. A bigger mobjscale should help.
Crystal Caverns Classic
- Musicdef is broken here.
- Beginning cave is too dark.
- First area has an arrow on the floor that does not provide proper signage and is just pointing towards a crystal stalagmite.
- 2nd cave's lava spike thingy has somewhat broken textures in OpenGL. This area is followed by a series of short turns with no signage, saved for a poorly made arrow on the floor that also is tagged wih offroad for some reason.
- Last area's blue spring area is too small and can shoot you into a wall at normal speed.
Storm Forest Zone
- 1st item set obscures the very brief turn.
- 2nd and 3rd item set is too close to each other.
Glacier Palace Zone
- Musicdef is broken here.
- There's a LOT of floor and wall same texture moments going on.
- U-turn at the beginning needs some signage to more immediately give a heads up that this is a u-turn.
- In the wide open area at the 1st item set, the offroad is illuminated while the main road is darkened. It would lead people into thinking the offroad is safe.
- After the bridge section in the 2nd lap section, the ice tunnel ends too early for players to adjust themselves to take the path out.
- In the final lap section, at the big spiral with the giant glowing ice, you can drive around the ice pillar even though you're supposed to be going up the spiral. If you don't need to go there, it shouldn't be accessible to racers.
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