Legend of Heroes Trails Character Pack

Legend of Heroes Trails Character Pack 8.0.1

Welcome to releases! I dunno too much sbout SRB2 Persona, or how difficult it is to make custom moves in SRB2P, but I do see the clear effort on display here!
It's a little like making a fresh lua on the custom skills but thanks!
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Quite a fun pack to have in a session of persona, especially when you use s-crafts which are quite understandably very strong and flashy (like a good portion of the skill-sets the characters can get throughout the blocks of tartarus,) making the roster stand out from most modded characters in srb2p's modding scene (which more prominent in game banana than here). it also has a slew of subs that and oddly enough a bunch status curing items, that while niche, are nice to have in case if you do not have any patra gems on you.

Overall give this pack a try in persona! The pack is still being updated so there may be changes to moves and overall visuals so do look forward to that.
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Honestly this pack is very fun. S-Crafts really shine well, and there's just enough variety to make me wanna try every combo I could think of with the characters here. The designs fit, and this mod stands out pretty brightly against others. Only downside is status and healing items feel kind of like an after thought, but are useful the few times i needed them.

This is worth trying.
The status items were basically my attempt of doing single cure items so you wouldn't rely of using your SP for Patra skills or Patra Gems but I appreciate your kind words!
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