he doesn't do the dance when he defeats a boss.

0/10 worst character ever /j
Upvote 4
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It's great and I love it but I can't find the custom 2 button because I'm on an Android phone, if you'd be nice to tell I can now *C O N S U M E* robots f o r e v e r
Upvote 1
very gud, me likey
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Hehe, wheel. Can go super fast. Anyways, TIME TO CAUSE MAYHEM!!!
Upvote 0
oh boy i cant wait to c o n s u m e fang and metal over and over again
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i love the mod i played it alot of times and it may be a gltich but i found super kirby
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honestly really bad in multiplayer, i think it needs a command to disable inhaling other people like yoshi. tbh nothing else bad about it other than the fact you CANT DISABLE INHALING CHARACTERS
Upvote 1
the custom character support is really nice but i am confused why Legacy Kirby can only fly 6 times
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This mod is very great! You can have 14 ability's! My personal favorite is the wheel cuz you go f a s t. Best mod I have ever played! great work! :D
Upvote 0
Really cool mod! However, inhaling a character monitor in the Encore Mod doesn't work. It doesn't add a new character like it should. Hopefully that can get fixed in a patch. Other than that, great mod.
Upvote 0
super cool kirby's adventure-style kirby with very accurately implemented powers and adorable spritework. especially appreciated as someone who grew up with and loves nightmare in dreamland.
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Really good but I play on mobile and can't figure out how to swallow
Upvote 1
i can just say this is too fun
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Really great mod! I like how the sprites reflects early Kirby art!

The mod really showcases the potential in a 3D Kirby game! I really hope that hal laboratory makes an official 3D Kirby sometime, but until then, we have this!
Upvote 6
Spriting for Kirby was already fun, and so is playing as him. Tripel did a really good job on the coding and gameplay.
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