FNF Boyfriend

FNF Boyfriend v1.1 - Minor Thursday Night Fixin'

hope im doing this update thing correctly.
---- v1.1 - Minor Thursday Night Fixin' ----
Here's a simple patch, that I just felt necessary, I'll try some more significant things tomorrow if I can.
(Namely, removing the slide, adding a "do you have the mic on you?" hud indicator, and ridding of the handicap you receive when you toss your notes in lava. [Apparently your Mic regenerates if you trigger a starpost, which is why I only list notes in the handicap section!])​

- Added a death sprite and a drown sprite (both of which are references to stuff. have fun.)
- Adjusted the sign sprite just a little
- Made BF's continue sprites have re-coloration
- Barely noticeable, but there's a slight modification to the blue on Boyfriend's CSS tag.

Hope everything here works properly, it's quite too late for me to test it right now.
I'll try to get more significant updates soon. For now, take: