Flat Circuit

Flat Circuit 1.5

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Flat Circuit Zone

An Experimental Race track that I created mainly to see how I could create unique courses for SRB2K. :threat:
This simple flat track was mostly inspired by most of the racing games from the SNES like Super Mario Kart, F-Zero, etc. Its also pretty short with 5 laps by default.



This track may be a little hard to race through for some people due to the completely flat surface of this race track. A Non-Flat version with the Borders elevated is also included alongside the add on.


Go ahead and download if you want to give this one a try and let me know your thoughts on this experiment.
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2.7 MB
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First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. v1.5: Texture Redesign + More Fixes

    Hey All. It's been way too long since the last update. Here are some updates for the track that...
  2. v1.2: More Fixes & New Shortcut

    Fixed the issue where the Sega sign that was getting cut off for playing in "standard" mode...
  3. v1.1: Visual Updates

    v1.1: Not much to describe for this one, except for some visual changes on the track to make it...

Latest reviews

2 stars is "okay" in MB's words, and I feel that's a fitting rating for this level.

It's playable, you got some fundamentals down. However the "flat" artstyle doesn't work very well, when, say, you can't see sneaker panels or red spring panels. A ROZLIT midtexture absolutely *carries* this type of design because it gives players much needed depth perception. One single item set feels also a bit too little for a 5-lapper.

Overall I hope that you keep working to make more polished levels, keep it up.
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