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Emotes (KL_emotes-v2.2.pk3)

An alternate way to express yourself in races. (70+ emotes)

[highlight]V2[/highlight] - Custom animated emotes support! Check 'Customisation' for more info.

v2.2 Emotes set automatically + fixed minor visual oversight
v2.1 - Emotes don't jitter on uncapped builds of the game anymore + emotehell command (turn hell emotes on/off)
V2 - Custom animated emotes support + animated emotes highlight with a different colour when listing emotes

V1.3 - Emotes scale with player (so emotes dont spawn higher on maps with small mobj scale) + fixed oversight with emotelist command
V1.2 - You can set emotes as a spectator + three new emotes (excuseme, dontlookatme, hooray)
v1.1 - Changed emote functionality on hell maps, added hell emotes
V1.0 - Initial release
Console commands (please read):
emotehelp: A short explanation on how to use this mod in-game.
emotelist <pagenumber>: List the available emotes by page. (Limit of 10 per page)
emote1 <emote>: Bind an emote to your CUSTOM1 button.
emote2 <emote>: Bind an emote to your CUSTOM2 button.
emote3 <emote>: Bind an emote to your CUSTOM3 button.

(Instead of <emote>, you can also put 'random', which randomises the emote bound to your CUSTOM button of choice at the start of each race. For example, emote1 random, will randomise the emote for your CUSTOM1 button. Try it out!)

emotesoundon: Turn on notification sound that plays when you emote.
emotesoundoff: Turn off notification sound that plays when you emote.
(Bear in mind, this sound is only local to you, no one else can hear it.)

Admin command(s):
emotehell <On/Off>: Turn hell emotes on/off.
1. Bind an emote to one of your CUSTOM buttons. (Example: emote1 joy, would bind the emote 'joy' to your CUSTOM1 button.)
2. Press that button.
You can add custom emotes too!

Just make a separate wad with the emotes you want to add (remember to adjust the offsets as well). For each emote added, call this function for it:

Emotes_AddCustomEmote({name="example", sprite="SPR_EXMP", description="Example emote", state=S_EMO_EXMP})

And for hell emotes:
Emotes_AddCustomHellEmote({name="hell-example", sprite="SPR_HLXM", description="Example hell emote", state=S_EMO_HLXM})

Personally, I'd recommend that your states start with "S_EMO" or "S_EMOTE" to reduce chances of conflicts with any states already in the game, but, it's up to you!

The description entry is optional, but make sure there's at least a name, sprite and state entry.


Adding animated emotes requires a bit more.

For each frame of the animated emote, use the freeslot function to add a state. For example, if I wanted to add an emote with 4 frames (so you should have 4 sprites):

For normal emotes:
freeslot("S_EXMP1", "S_EXMP2", "S_EXMP3", "S_EXMP4")
Emotes_AddCustomAnimatedEmote({name="exmple-animated", sprite="SPR_EXMP", 
statetable={S_EXMP1, S_EXMP2, S_EXMP3, S_EXMP4}, description="I am animated, wee"})

For hell emotes:
freeslot("S_EXMP1", "S_EXMP2", "S_EXMP3", "S_EXMP4")
Emotes_AddCustomAnimatedHellEmote({name="exmple-animated", sprite="SPR_EXMP", 
statetable={S_EXMP1, S_EXMP2, S_EXMP3, S_EXMP4}, description="I am animated, wee"})

Once again, the description entry is optional, but make sure there's at least a name, sprite and statetable entry. (Make sure the offset is the same for all the sprites or it'll animate inconsistently!)
Thanks to Barki for helping me record the preview you can see below.
Thanks to the wonderful folks on GINGER for testing this and giving me suggestions.
Full list of credits for emotes used found in the .pk3.
  • emotes_preview_2.gif
    6.4 MB · Views: 825
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