"It's Time To Kick Gum And Chew Ass.
And I'm All Out Of Ass."
-Dick Kickem
Upvote 3
while I like how it plays, something I didn't enjoy was the fall damage which makes sections of the level impossible to not take damage is some sections, and I barely used the pistol due to how much ammo it takes to kill one enemy, which is extra bad once you consider how weapons reset if you return to the title screen (even with a save file). If I were to make any changes, I would remove fall damage, and make the pistol have infinite ammo at the cost of a longer reload.
Upvote 0
I can't download this, truly the most mod of all time
Upvote 12
Oh now I love fashion styles. Stupid idea but good execution!
Upvote 1
I love this so friggin much, the huge changes it brings to the gameplay, and the absurd times I've managed to get just trying to run through levels with Duke, this is a cracked mod and i love every little bit of it. from the bigger arsenal of weapons in comparison to a mod like Tailsguy, mechanics replicated straight from Duke's game, the iconic voicelines, the addition of the little inventory items like the jetpack or the portable heathkit, it has it all, and I'm all for it!

I do wish there were the pipebombs, however, they'd be convenient for little traps in multiplayer, and good for lobbing over walls to take out loads of enemies, or just to check for any enemies before rushing a corner. and they'd be just plain fun to toss around like a maniac. other than that, this whole thing is just an amazing addition of the original bubblegum chewing, ass kicking, stoagie smoking Duke Nukem we all know and love.
Upvote 0
this mod is so fun I'm more of a doom fan than a duke fan but I generally enjoyed playing this! its so faithful to the original that its not even srb2 anymore. though I do have one thing that I don't like about it: ammo is extremely rare making it so I cant go on a killing spree or I will die at the boss and I think this goes against what duke is about, delivering kickass death to everything! so maybe make ammo appear from all enemies or at least more of them.
Upvote 0
how do i download him? he doesn't have any download button
Upvote 4
Time to kick gum and chew ass, and I'm all out of ass
Upvote 2
"It's time to chew ass" - Dick Kickem
Upvote 2
The most impressive mod at techicaly and gameplay points, that provides inventory and weapon system and unique gameplay.

Hail to the King, baby!
Upvote 1
Funny to be able to play as the OG Doom clone in a game built of the Doom engine. Playing this feels exactly like Duke 3D, really well made!
Upvote 2
Because when I play as him, I get the Duke Nukem 3D nostalgia all of a sudden.
Upvote 2