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[Open Assets] Classic-Based Physics Changes 1.2 / ++ 1.4

I like these physics and I feel srb2 needs it. Running through feels so much more fluid, minus some modded levels not being possible.
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an absolutely wonderful mod!! i've always found the max running speed and acceleration to be way higher than it should be, the game feels *SO* much better to play with this!!
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Really nice physics change mod. Probably my favorite way to play this game now and swapping off of it to vanilla really make you feel how floaty everything is. Great work!
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I actually like the feel of this but can you add better air control, After jumping you have little control to correct your position cause you fall so fast.
Pyrakid Wolfo
Pyrakid Wolfo
Your prayers have already been answered, but the build is in-dev for fine tuning. It will be a seperate build because it controls differently than just the higher gravity and jump heights.
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