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    • WhisperVII reviewed the resource SMB2 Toad.
      Great mod. I wish he was a tiny bit faster since he was the fastest of the 4 in SMB2 to make him stick out from the vanilla cast a tiny...
    • WhisperVII reacted to Maverick's post in the thread CDSonic (Whispon Edit) with Cool! Cool!.
      if you didn't know, there was an update from 2.2.9 to 2.2.10 that kinda made things work... weirdly with older versions of 2.2 and a few...
    • WhisperVII replied to the thread CDSonic (Whispon Edit).
      I'm not sure what you're asking. Did you mean 2.2.14? If so then he should already work from what I've gathered in pre-release testing...
    • WhisperVII replied to the thread CDSonic (Whispon Edit).
      Go for it!
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