Banddy's Goofy Ah Fast Chars Map

[Open Assets] Banddy's Goofy Ah Fast Chars Map v1

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Man, the vanilla maps are way too small for my character
My character is way too fucking fast and he always runs into walls

Well I have a solution for you!!!
This map is a nice big open space for rather speedy characters such as Heavy, Sonki, Soap, and Conklers, who is indev at the moment.



More maps my come in the future!​
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4.7 MB
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First release
Last update
4.00 star(s) 3 ratings

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  1. bump

    oh yeah look in the files for conkler's level headers

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this is exacly what i wanted as i always wanted a big map to explore and run around in with speedy char s i hope you expand on this

i am sorry if this isint helpfull or anything
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I can finally play as SMS without running into walls!
Upvote 1
This is a nice short and sweet level, it does exactly what it says on the tin, being a pretty enjoyable level to speedrun with characters that have high movement speed. I think visually the level could use some work, with more sector & linedef detail, but otherwise it works.

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