Aqua's Map Ranking Script

Aqua's Map Ranking Script v1.1

What permissions do you give others to modify and/or maintain your submission?
Modify: ASK ME - Maintain: IN MY ABSENCE - Others must ask me for permission before modifying my submission or use it in their own work, and I reserve the right to say no for any reason. However, if I can no longer be contacted, I give permission for my entire submission to be maintained by others.
I made sure my file(s) follow the Submissions Guidelines
  1. Yes
I named my file(s) correctly (see Filename Conventions)
  1. Yes
Aqua's Map Ranking Script
i got tired of these conversations

Hosting a Kart server? Stuck in the never-ending flurry that is opinions?
People keep telling you to add horrible/fantastic maps but you never know if people actually enjoy them?
Well, have I got the solution for you! Maybe.

Always keep in mind that ranks by players should be taken with a pinch of salt, sometimes even a tea cup. Salty players might vote negative on a map that they would otherwise enjoy, while trolls might just try to toy with the rankings.

Requires HOSTMOD!​

This script will not function without HOSTMOD loaded. Make sure to load this script after HOSTMOD.

What the script does (for players)​

There are two ways to vote:

Finishing a race​

NOTE: This functionality is only available if the default ranking options are used.
If you finished the race, a small text will pop up in the bottom half of the screen asking you if you enjoyed the map. Hold DRIFT (for voting positive) or BRAKE (for voting negative) for a second and your vote will be saved. See an example in the below video.

Didn't manage to finish the race? DNF'd because you were in last place? It happens to the best of us. See below on how you can vote during intermission.

During intermission​

At the end of each race (and when ranking is enabled), a message in chat will appear during the intermission:

As long as intermission is up, by typing -- or ++ in chat (respectively considered as "map sucks" or "map is good"), your vote will be recorded. Good job! Now you've totally shown everybody that the map is indeed horrible/fantastic.

As a service for non-QWERTY users:
Any of these sequences in chat will be counted as a positive vote: ++ / == / 11
Negative votes use these sequences: -- / 00

After the intermission​

When the intermission ends, a new message will be posted showing totals:

Good job soldier, you're done now. Either continue the conversation in chat and argue for hours on end about why your opinion is the one that counts or just prepare for the next ranking phase. It's all up to you.

What the script does (for admins)​

When intermission ends, the ranks for a map are written to luafiles\maprankings\mapID.cfg where ID is the extended ID of the map.
Every line of the file will have the player's name and a number corresponding to their recorded rank. See the Customising ranking options paragraph for an explanation on the numbers.

Do with this what you want.
For example, our community has a page available where we tally up the votes under the Rank column. Check it out.


aqm_enabled - disables/enables ranking during intermission
aqm_resetmessage - shows an extra message when ranking starts indicating stored ranks have been wiped recently, hopefully encouraging players to vote on maps more
aqm_help - explains what the script does and what ranking options are available
aqm_do_vote [rank] - records the given rank for this ranking phase, alternative to ranking in chat
aqm_new_option - supply new ranking options. see the below paragraph
aqm_reset_options - resets ranking options to the default built-in ones

Customising ranking options​

NOTE: Customising the ranking options will disable the vote interface players get after finishing a race. The chat interface during intermission will still work.
With the use of aqm_new_option, you can customise the way people can rank maps.
Note that by supplying at least one (1) custom rank, the default built-in ranking options will no longer be in use. You are responsible for providing correct ranking options from here on out. Or incorrect ones, that'd be funny.
Note that with multiple options per ranking type, only the last added option will be shown in chat to keep the message shorter. All ranking options will be shown when players use aqm_help

The command expects the following parameters:

<option> is the option that people will type in chat. Number corresponds to the option type:
-1 is a negative vote;
0 is a neutral vote;
1 is a positive vote.

As such, you can customize the ranking options like this:

You can also do stuff like this:


Known issues​

I know about the following issues, these might get fixed at any point:
- Map names might sometimes be cut off
- On rare occasions, stored ranks might get duplicated. If you're processing stored ranks for something, I recommend clearing the files every time you've processed them.


While the Reusable tag is not applied to this addon, you are free to repack it into your server bundle.


There's one specific map that people just somehow always seem to really like. See if you can figure out which one without diving into the script. I'll tell you it's a custom, non-vanilla hell map. But that's the only hint!

Closing notes​

Big thanks to Fl_GUI for rewriting the script and adding new functionality. He actually made the script readable! :D
Much thanks to all the Karthouse players for having used this silly script and helping to test things.
Extension type
File size
21.4 KB
MD5 Hash
First release
Last update

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  1. Vote with your buttons!

    This update allows players to vote ++ and -- on maps when they finished a race using their DRIFT...