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[Open Assets] Anglestand 1.5.1 - AngleAbility


This addon is an update to Krabs' anglestand script found here.

Now, characters can play their idle and edge animations when facing any angle relative to the camera, and vanilla characters no longer autoturn to face the camera when performing abilities in place.

Console Commands:
- angle_strafe - toggles wether autoturn canceling applies to strafe mode users. Only usable by admins in online play.

- angle_fall - toggles compatibility with FallingAnimations.lua. Only usable by admins in online play.

- angle_autosave - toggles whether Anglestand should automatically save whenever you change its settings. Singleplayer use only.

- angle_save - saves current Anglestand settings to a file. Singleplayer use only.

- angle_load - loads Anglestand settings from a file. Singleplayer use only.

- angle_settings - Prints the current Anglestand settings to the console.

- Moving while on a rollout rock now properly cancels the idle animation
- When the Anglestand settings are loaded in, they all print to the console now.

v1.5 - Bugfixes, improved addon compatability, prevent abilities from causing autoturning, re-implements support for strafe mode, adds console commands for minor customization.

- IdleDelay reduced to three seconds from five seconds, to match the vanilla delay before the idle animation begins.
- Tails' tails now snap to him properly upon exiting objectplace mode.
- Tails' tails now snap to him properly when he teleports.
- Tails' tails no longer disappear when in strafe mode with strafe mode Anglestand enabled.

Autoturn removal added to the following states:






Compatibility Improvements:
- SMS Reborn's HMS is no longer forced into an idle animation.
- Anglestand no longer breaks Silver's idle animation.
- Anglestand no longer breaks Dirk's idle animation.
- Bunnie Rabbot's flight no longer autoturns.
- Adds compatibility fix for FallingAnimations.lua, but it must be manually activated through the console.

New Console Commands:
- angle_strafe - toggles wether autoturn canceling applies to strafe mode users. Only usable by admins in online play.
- angle_fall - toggles compatibility with FallingAnimations.lua. Only usable by admins in online play.
- angle_autosave - toggles whether Anglestand should automatically save whenever you change its settings. Singleplayer use only.
- angle_save - saves current Anglestand settings to a file. Singleplayer use only.
- angle_load - loads Anglestand settings from a file. Singleplayer use only.
- angle_settings - Prints the current Anglestand settings to the console.

v1.4 - Fixes known issues, disables script from affecting players in strafe mode.

- Tails' tails no longer disappear when he enters his idle animation.
- This script no longer affects players in strafe mode, this resolves the issue with Tails' tails appearing at wrong angles when in strafe mode. If you would like to be able to use this script in strafe mode, let me know and I'll come up with another solution.

- Enables autoturning when in minecarts.
- No longer begins players' idle animation when they are super.

- Extends autoturn prevention to edge animations.
- Tweaks idle speed for increased accuracy to the vanilla idle animation.

v1.2 - Minor optimizations to my edits.

v1.1 - Enables idle animations when facing directions other than away from the camera.

Known issues:

None, as of October 14, 2020.
  • srb20016.gif
    1.1 MB · Views: 309
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