
It's update time again and this time it will include 3 new maps:
- Music Plant
- Techno Base
- True Area 53

(Also includes fixes and updates to the previous maps)

Like title says, this will be final content update (Will do patch updates to fix problems if needed) for this map pack and final maps that i will make for SRB2Kart. I loved making these maps from one of my favorite Sonic games, but it is now time for me to move on. I will probably gonna port these maps sometime in the future to Dr. Robotnick's Ring Racers.

That is all for now.

Happy Karting!


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Heya, it's update time again!

This time im releasing a new version of Ice Paradise and pack is getting a new name:

  • Ice Paradise was my first map that i made for SRB2Kart, and now that i have done 4 other maps and have more experience using the Zone Builder, i felt that i could do a better job with it and decided to remake the whole map from scratch. New Ice Paradise features numerous visual and design improvements, while still having similar layout from the original version.
  • Older version of Ice Paradise is still featured in the pack as a Hell map with the ID MAPIO
  • Packs name is going to change from FrostBrush's Racetracks to Advance 2 Map Pack, because it features now 5 maps based on Sonic Advance 2 and my plan is to release the remaining 2 tracks (Techno Base and Music Plant) sometime later in the next year. Once all 7 maps are released, i will be moving on from this pack.
  • Other maps in the pack have few updates and fixes added for the update.
That's all for now. Hope you enjoy the update!

Happy Karting and Holidays!

This update makes Sky Canyon's Finish line longer so players who use grow shouldn't now skip laps when crossing the finish line.

Also added impassable walls to Egg Utopia in the second outer space part so player's don't get stuck.

That's all for now.
Hey, just a quick update for these three maps:

Leaf Forest
- Added impassable wall to stop players using unintentional shortcut
Hot Crater
- Made offroad for the shortcut in the two-way junction longer and added fences to block players using it without speed boost item
- Added some details to start line
Egg Utopia
- Added invisible solid fof for anti-grav sections to stop players from switching gravity when they are under the upside down road and getting blown up by a bomb item.
- Fixed player starting positions at the start line

That's all for now.
  • Cool!
Reactions: Avo and Saturn Ross
Heya! It's update time again.

This time im adding two new Advance 2 maps instead of just one, which are Sky Canyon and Egg Utopia. Both of these maps are a little bit more trickier than previous ones, so be more careful when racing on them.

That's all for now.

Happy Karting!
  • Cool!
Reactions: Saturn Ross
Hey, had to do another quick update for the map pack.

This update fixes music title not showing up in Leaf Forest. I also fixed one of the fences that weren't solid.

That's all for now.
  • Cool!
Reactions: Saturn Ross

This is a quick update to fix conflict with Leaf Forests tree objects and add correctly sized map preview images for Ice Paradise and Hot Crater.

That's all for now.

This update adds a new map from Sonic Advance 2; Leaf Forest! This map is made to be the first map of the cup, so i kept it simple and fun.

I also made some changes for both Ice Paradise and Hot Crater, which include:
- Updated textures
- Optimized map file size
- Adjustments on the parts of the maps
- Map thumpnails are now correct size

That's all for now. Hope you enjoy the new update!

Happy Karting!
  • Cool!
Reactions: Saturn Ross

It's time for an small update for the pack. Both of the current maps have gotten these changes:

Ice Paradise:
-Fixed problem with FoF slopes, so those don't destroy your orbits or jaws.
-Made 90 degree slope turns less likely to make you jump in middle of the turn.

Hot Crater:
-Adjusted kill planes at the beginning, so you don't wait too long when falling.
-Fixed problem with FoF slopes, so those don't destroy your orbits or jaws.
-Added back the heat wave effect, that got unused accidentally. it should show up close to the 2nd lap
-Made shortcut exploit at the end impossible now.

-Changed name of the pack from FrostBrushMapPack to FrostBrush's Racetracks

That's all for now. Right now im working on the next map, which is Techno Base from Advance 2.

Happy Karting!
  • Cool!
Reactions: Saturn Ross

It's time for new update which includes my new map for Kart; Hot Crater Zone from Sonic Advance 2! This Sprint map takes you on a rollercoaster ride through different levels of the crater, where lower you get, the hotter it gets.

With this update the addon page for Ice Paradise will be swap for FrostbrushMapPak, which will include both Ice Paradise and Hot Crater for donwload in one pack. Alongside adding Hot Crater, the Ice Paradise also got few changes to it.

Hopefully you'll enjoy the new map! I put a lot of hours working on it.

Happy Karting!
  • Cool!
Reactions: Saturn Ross