[1.5]KartMP: A hot take on Kart balance

[Open Assets] [1.5]KartMP: A hot take on Kart balance 1.5

Hi, this is not a new version and just an announcement to say that KMP is now an open asset.

This means it may be modified freely by anyone, and that these modified versions can be hosted freely without asking me or anyone else about it.

The reason for this change is quite simply that I don't play Kart much at all anymore and can't pretend to properly maintain this file anymore to provide bug-free stuff in any reasonable amount of time, and as it turns out, people who actually still regularly play the game are much more suited for finding and fixing bugs much quickier than I would.

My only personal request is to make sure your modified version has a different file name and makes it clear to joiners that it's a modified version of KMP to avoid bug reports coming here and having instead them be directed to server hosts, but it's not like I'll come after you if you don't!
Might also be worth looking into having some sort of "Community Edition" released on the Message Boards to eventually replace this file and avoid having 10 trillion different versions floating as server-only downloads in the future, but that's up to you at this point!

(TLDR: KMP is now free to modify and host modified because I'm most definitely not going to maintain it myself anymore since I barely play the game lately.)
New update, new bug, new fix. Y'know the drill...

KMP V1.5


  • Fixed 'kmp_airsneakerbuf' having an invalid help entry, causing it and every command listed below it to error out when searching them in 'kmp_help'
  • Cool!
Reactions: lexidog
Well damn it's been a while. Time to post an update and go back to my cave!

KMP V1.4:


  • 'kmp_airsneakerbuf': Allows usage of Sneakers in mid-air. The Sneaker(s) will be consummed and their effect will take place as soon as you land. You can use multiple Sneakers and their duration will stack with diminutive returns.
    • The intent is to allow players to use their Sneakers mid-air if they fear they may get stolen by Hyudoros before they can get the chance to use them.
    • This does not affect Rocket Sneakers due to concerns about mod conflicts.
  • 'kmp_raceaccel': 1.5x acceleration in race gamemodes (Similar to its battle counterpart 'kmp_battleaccel'). The goal is to mitigate item impact and increase the overall pace of the game.
    • This option was developped long ago, before Juicebox was a thing and may be redundant should both mods be added, but was left in for players that don't feel like using Juicebox or want an extra boost on top of it.

  • The command display has been made cleaner so that it's easier to tell what commands are on or off.
  • Some command short and full descriptions have been made clearer. (Notably 'kmp_haste')
  • 'kmp_extendflashtics' now has a fixed duration of double flashtics instead of being variable on player count. (Used to be doubleflashtics + 6 frames for every player above 8, causing an increase too big on larger lobbies)
  • Offorad banana drag (once part of 'Mandatory fixes', which would activate without the player's consent, has been made into its own command: 'kmp_offroadspinout'
  • 'kmp_growthbump': Players under the effect of Grow now have 32 weight mid-air instead of 10 previously. This is gonna be hilarious.
  • Fixed an issue where Hyudoro would lose its offroad and damage immunity after some time despite the item still being in use if 'kmp_hyudoro' and 'kmp_extendflashtics' were on at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue where 'kmp_itemlimiter' would fail to interpret the player count properly, resulting in much higher item amount drops than intended when reaching player thresholds.
    • Above 5 players: -1 banana / player (minimum of 3 bananas)
    • Above 6 players: -1 orbinaut / 2 players (minimum of 2 orbinauts)
    • Above 8 players: Double Jawz cannot be rolled.
  • Fixed an issue where 'kmp_orbinautfuse' would still remove dropped, stationary orbinauts.
  • Fixed an issue where 'kmp_respawnpoints' didn't check for Wind/Current sector effects at the target respawn location. The respawn point is now removed if you would have otherwise respawned to an hilarious death.

The main post will be updated to reflect the changes made by this update a bit after it goes live.