You know you play too much SRB2 when....

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When your desktop is

When you can explain how SRB2 handles everything internally from memory.

The scary part is, alot of the stuff in this topic atually applies to me.
When you search all night for an SRB2 T-Shirt you saw in your dreams and you dont know that it is not real.
When you can create thok barriers on your first day doing SRB2.
When you actually think that one day mystic will elect you as a admin :/
When you think HMS is a piece of cake on SRB2JTE.
When you play SRB2 for months without sleeping.
When you beat Mystic in one second
When you spell like a noob.
When you post this post.

When you think that Adventure Example could have been done better and vow to remake Metal Harbour in all its harbouryness to fix it. <--Me. It's coming along great!
sonicfreak94 said:
Also when you always want to play srb2 and all you play is srb2, and spend hours and hours on something you made, then relise its retarded and delete it..... Then you feel like starting it over, and repeat the proces over and overand ove and over.

Literally me. I once had over 35 14% finished WAD files on my computer. They were all retarded and I deleted them. Honestly.

Also, that Match Mode Intermission Background is now my desktop, too.
Hey, it used to be a Tails Doll ending from Sonic R.
I love Tails Doll.
when you see a cool car and wonder how long it took to wad it.

when you wake up with your face on the keyboard and realize that you were wadding in your sleep.

when the wad you sleepwadded wins the level design contest by a mile.

when you want to leave a building and start looking for the end of level signpost.

when you think you can shoot rings.

when you expect your busted TV to repawn a few minutes after you jumped into it.

when you're in a fight, and you think that all you gotta do is last five minutes, and you'll end up in an arena that benefits you.
When you drop golden rings when punched.

When you throw a red ring that moves faster than Sonic.

When you break open your PC monitor for internet powers.
Damn....I'v read a bunch of these and alot of them are true about me...

When you have to use the people nextdoor's internet to download wads because you can't wait 3 days to download them at home once vacation is over

What? It's not my fault that my granparents only have dial-up
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