Which is your favorite Shield?

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Mine would have to be Armageddon Shield and Liquid Shield because they both can come in handy.
Mine is the armagedon shield. It proves most useful in match. It is also kind of funny when a n00b gets one. Then, no one pays attention to them. Now try this equation: N00b that isn't moving+me with rail ring+me very far away=???
Liquid Shield, because I love Water and it's very useful. Armageddon is second because it's like Chaos Blast, but it hurts other players. (Especially n00bs).
Dictionary.com said:
No results found for sheild.
Did you mean shield (in dictionary) or S.H.E.I.L.D. (in encyclopedia)?

If you didn't make that mistake three times in one post, I'd almost call it an accident.
Whirlwind shield, and here's why:

Because whirlwind shield is just fun. Its handy for some shortcuts, gives you a ability in CTF when you have the flag, easier dodging, and more strategic shooting. But nothing of what this shield does you completely invincible. Its balanced, and fun in every gamemode.
tailsmastermind said:
Mine is the armagedon shield. It proves most useful in match. It is also kind of funny when a n00b gets one. Then, no one pays attention to them. Now try this equation: N00b that isn't moving+me with rail ring+me very far away=???

You're Sik and the n00b is KnuxShadow XD No kidding. Once we were testing a map. The map was just started and hence empty - but was HUGE. So he went to a corner and I went to the opposite one. There was approximately 1km of distance. So I aimed and shot the ring. It was a normal ring, I should fail. But then suddenly... BAM! XD That's how to beat somebody who's distracted :P

Back on-topic, the best shield depends on the kind of level. But the yellow shield is useful to gain extra lives, and the black shield can be really neat to get away from a hard situation (and is a revenge if somebody attacks me!).

EDIT: typo.
Dark Warrior said:
Inferno & Attraction. The two best shields in the game.

<robot> opinion alert, opinion alert, opinion alert.

Most of the shields are best in a certain place or gamemode. Inferno is good in match/CTF and lava levels, but totally sucks in any other mode and level. Water shield is basicly a basic shield, but can be handy to avoid acid. That it won't let you drown is a nice side effect, but I don't think anybody is stupid enough to drown theirselfs. Attraction is a fine shield, but I find it kinda boring in single player/coop/race, and overpowerd in match and CTF. Liquid is its weakness, though. You can directly lose your rings if you fall in lava or acid. So better get a new shield before you do so! Armagedon is nice shield in every mode but match and CTF. It nearly garantees points. Even if you get hit from afar, there's probably someone around that gets hit by the explosion.

Whirlwind shield is just good for any kind of level, and kind of mode. And even better, its never totally overpowerd. Only side effect I can think of is that its easy to see you with such as shield.
Inferno is both a basic shield, and a useful one. See, the little fire trails last long enough to gain you an extra life if used right. And in match/CTF, I've found it immensely more useful than Armageddon has ever been for me. And it actually lasts after a successful attack. And the Attraction barrier's ability speaks for itself.
I am a big fan of the Armageddon shield. Other shields are alright, but they don't really compare. Besides, it's a pain in the ass to evade incoming shots when using the inferno shield as knuckles. >_>
Armageddon shield -> Hell yea!
Fire Shield -> So so...
Lighting Shield -> Somehow I become very greedy when having this...(Thinks of how many rings he can snag.)
Water Shield -> Its alright.
Wind shield -> Not really, but somewhat alright...

I mostly like the armageddon shield, because you can nuke people with it. :twisted:
Personally, I'm quite a fan of the Whirlwind Shield, myself. The amount of versatility the shield gives you is phenomenal. Double jump just gives you so many tactics you wouldn't otherwise have access to.
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