Actually, BlazingPhoenix, it's a lot simpler than that. I'm not arbitrarily changing the forum index layout for my own personal amusement.
My job, Sonic Shadow, is to make the majority of the forum users (the community) happy over the long term. You're confusing that with me going out of my way to make YOU happy, which is completely incorrect. I couldn't care less what an individual user thinks about my actions; it's completely unimportant. After all, someone I ban from the message board isn't exactly going to be happy with the way I run things, but if banning that person makes the rest of the forum better, it's still beneficial to the forum as a whole.
Doing this forum index change will, over the long term, be beneficial to the forums as a whole. Maybe not you, but I couldn't care less what a single person thinks. Now, in a couple of weeks if the majority of the forum still doesn't like it, then we can sit down and move them around again until it IS functional for the majority of the userbase.
So stop raving hilariously retarded bull **** on my forums, please. If you seriously think you can do better, be my guest. There's tons of free forum software available for you to try. I suggest against PHPBB2, though ^_~
Er-hem. Sonic Shadow, just drop it already. You're arguing with a site Administrator. Who has more power on this Message Board, you or him? Seriously. And if you think you can start a better MB then, by all means, go right ahead. No guarantees people will come flocking to it, because this is the main SRB2 community focus, and has been for a long time. It'd be funny to see you try though, I have to admit. SRB2MB vs Third-Party SRB2 site. Which one will come out on top? MUAHA.
He can go ahead and argue against me. I don't ban people for having a different opinion than me. I ban people for breaking the rules.
Just so you know, there have been many people before who have ranted exactly as he did and have actually made their own forum. None of those forums are alive anymore because running a forum is always a lot harder than these idiots seem to think it is.