Ultimate Zone Builder

Ultimate Zone Builder v0.9

I believe you'll have to go into UZB's install folder, navigate to the /Compiles/Nodebuilders/ subfolder, and then edit zdbsp.cfg to remove the .exe suffix in the program = "zdbsp.exe"; line.

Thanks for the advice! I went into the cfg file you mentioned and removed ".exe" from the suffix. However, attempting to build nodes throws up this new error:


I can't find a way to get the window to show the full error message, sorry. I figured it might help if I renamed the program to remove the .exe suffix from there too, but doing that just causes the "failed to build the expected data structures" error from my last message to pop up.
Thanks for the advice! I went into the cfg file you mentioned and removed ".exe" from the suffix. However, attempting to build nodes throws up this new error:

I can't find a way to get the window to show the full error message, sorry. I figured it might help if I renamed the program to remove the .exe suffix from there too, but doing that just causes the "failed to build the expected data structures" error from my last message to pop up.
Hmm... you might have to compile ZDBSP yourself or find a version that works on Linux, place it in the /Compiles/Nodebuilders/ subfolder and then make the config point to it. Seems like somebody else had a similar issue but with UDB.

Apologies for the vague instructions, I personally have no experience with Linux, so I'm just relaying whatever information I can find.
Hmm... you might have to compile ZDBSP yourself or find a version that works on Linux, place it in the /Compiles/Nodebuilders/ subfolder and then make the config point to it. Seems like somebody else had a similar issue but with UDB.

Apologies for the vague instructions, I personally have no experience with Linux, so I'm just relaying whatever information I can find.
No problem! I'm happy for your suggestions anyway. I appreciate the team providing a bespoke Linux version at all, even if it's not perfect.
I just got and opened this up, but when I try to test I get a message about it accessing memory files where it shouldn't. I put SRB2 in a folder within my Documents folder. Regular Zone Builder works just fine though.
There is changed behavior between test build 5 and the 2.8 release that does not seem intentional.

Drawing an enclosed shape now changes all new sectors made inside of it to use the default sector parameters as if you have just started a new map (ie. height of 128 fracunits, no colormaps, ect...), as opposed to adopting the attributes of a neighboring sector like in previous versions. I went back to test build 5 because of this.
For anyone looking to learn about creating slopes in UZB, @GomaTheMascar just released an in-depth video covering the various tools and methods to work with slopes in UDMF:

For anyone looking to learn about creating slopes in UZB, @GomaTheMascar just released an in-depth video covering the various tools and methods to work with slopes in UDMF:
It would be good if we can get more in-depth videos covering UZB features, as Sev's older videos (while still usable for UZB work), do not cover much in the way of what you can now do with UDMF. The same with general features since the toolset is getting larger and more robust.
BTW to any Linux users, I've been having a (mostly) very pleasant experience just running the Windows version through Lutris. It's not bug-free but seems much better than this hardly-functional "native" version. Other WINE frontends probably work fine too.

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