After the Official Level Design Contest switched from a seasonal schedule to a bi-annual schedule, I didn't like how there was a six month gap inbetween contests. I felt that was too large of a gap of content. Fortunately, this new schedule gave space for a community run, large scale level collaboration. I got MellowJacket's permission to revive the ULDC name, and with help of Apollyon and Kanna to host it, I introduce to you Unofficial Level Design Collab 2021: The Season of Stages.
It's probably clear from everything you see above, however I have to clarify this is NOT a contest. There will be no stage voting held, and stages will not be ranked. This is to incentivize people making a cute stage or two, and coming together as a community to help each other out.
Copy and pasted from MellowJacket's old ULDC thread
Woah, this is neat. Where does the 'collab' part come in though?
Simple! At all times over the course of the next three months, participants are encouraged to share their mapping progress in this thread. And other users are welcome to step in and offer advice on how to improve and where to go next. The idea here is a scenario where people can help each other improve and learn from one another.
Additionally, if you're looking to collaborate with someone to cover a base you're weak in (For example, you've always had an idea for that perfect custom enemy but don't know how to sprite) and you don't know who to ask for help, then ask in this thread! I strongly encourage people to lend each other a hand here, and if enough people are asking for help I will try to pair people up where appropriate.
*turns on southern accent and cowboy hat*
Get Crackin, fellows, because we ain't got much time.
ENTRY RULES (shamelessly copy and pasted and then heavily edited from the OLDC Rules):
Only Singleplayer levels, multiplayer levels will not be accepted. This is an SP-only collab event.
Make sure that the level works properly, that it is normally accessible, and that it does not interfere with other levels. This means that:
- Levels need to be completable.
- Existing resources (textures, objects, sounds, music, etc.) can not be overwritten.
- Any scripts present in your level must not interfere with other levels. If your level contains significant gameplay changes, please ensure that they are contained solely within your level slot using a MapLoad hook. In this case, please notify us in your submission post.
Unlike the OLDC, you can submit as many levels as you want to! They can be updates of old levels, or based off of other video games. This isn't a contest, so it isn't required that levels are your own original level design. (Example: you could remake a level of another sonic fangame in 2D mode and submit it to this collab)
ULDC Pt. 1 -> NOW through JULY 25th, 12:00pm EST
ULDC Pt. 2 -> JULY 26th through SEPTEMBER 5th, 12:00pn EST.
Some Extra Notes:
There are three big hurdles one has to come across to make a full stage in SRB2. So I've come to address them here.
The first hurdle you'll come across when making a stage is knowing how to use the software required to build levels.
Click here and watch these videos if you don't know how to use Zone Builder.
The second hurdle when creating a level in SRB2 is actually knowing what you want to create. If you don't know what you want to make for the ULDC, here's a suggestion! Make a desert temple stage, with an emphasis on swinging maces and grabbable chains. Maybe your enemy-set could consist of BASHs and Lance-A-Bots. This is just a suggestion however, you're allowed to submit whatever theme you'd like.
The third hurdle you'll face is actually finishing your stage. Make your stage short and sweet before making it large. It's far too easy to get caught up in a big, ambitious idea, and then lose all motivation to finish it. Make a stage that's small, that you can reasonably complete in a 6 week period, if you find that you have time to expand on it, then do so, but starting too big runs the risk of never completing it at all.
How To Submit your Stage:
Upload the file for your stage in this thread, or on the discord channel in #uldc-submissions. Down below. Make a new post for any subsequent updates, I won't be able to know if you updated a file otherwise.
No new stages will be allowed after the Pt. 1 deadline. They will be pushed into Pt. 2. Submissions late for Pt. 2. will be reluctantly accepted, however, as there will be no future collab
Submissions sent here into this thread must be formatted as such:
Download: [Link]
Title: [Map Name]
Credits: [Who made what]
You have only 6 weeks, so Shut Up and Get On It
sal don't kill me for that pls
sal don't kill me for that pls
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