Time Warp Signs

Time Warp Signs v1.2

i don't know honestly, this is my first map and i'm no expert in WADs, it might be sharing config files because they're packed in the same WAD file. is that normal?
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I'm not sure. How many map lumps do you have in your WAD file? Also, may I please see your MainCfg lump?
How many map WADs are in your WAD file - as in, how many maps are packed into the WAD. And you do have a MainCfg file in your WAD, right?

(dw about going to sleep btw, i had to go to sleep too)
i do have a MainCfg file in my WAD, and i have 3 maps packed into it (MAP01 is the present, MAP02 is the past, and MAP03 is the future).
If changing the level index for one map changes the indexes for the others, maybe the WADs are all for the same map? (as in, they all replace MAP01, MAP02, or MAP03). It could also be because you have the headers in separate MainCfgs: try combining all of the MainCfgs into one map. That, or you've simply forgotten to change the map number when making a new map in Zone Builder/Ultimate Zone Builder.

Check if your maps are all for the same map (e.g. they all replace MAP01). If they are, change their map index via your map editing software. Let me know if that works/doesn't work.
i don't know what you mean by "combining" MainCfgs into one map, does this work??

Level 1
LevelName = Ring Palace
Act = 0
SkyNum = 4
Lua.pastmap = 2
Lua.futuremap = 3


Level 2
LevelName = Ring Palace
Act = 0
SkyNum = 1
Lua.pastmap = 2
Lua.futuremap = 3


Level 3
LevelName = Ring Palace
Act = 0
SkyNum = 8
Lua.pastmap = 2
Lua.futuremap = 3
It should work, I think. Just remove the "MainCfg"s between each map header - you only need the "MainCfg" at the top of the file.

Something like this:

Level 1
LevelName = Ring Palace
Act = 0
SkyNum = 4
Lua.pastmap = 2
Lua.futuremap = 3

Level 2
LevelName = Ring Palace
Act = 0
SkyNum = 1
Lua.pastmap = 2
Lua.futuremap = 3

Level 3
LevelName = Ring Palace
Act = 0
SkyNum = 8
Lua.pastmap = 2
Lua.futuremap = 3
the MainCfg file works (thanks), but the problem i have now is that every time i use a time warp sign it teleports me to Techno Hill (even while in the present).
If there's no "pastmap" or "futuremap" level header parameter when you use a sign, I think what happens is the game just goes to whatever level is defined in "NextLevel"?

But from what I can see, there's no "NextLevel" parameter in your level headers. Usually when that happens, the game just goes to MAP (this level's index + 1) (e.g. MAP01's default next level is MAP02), so why MAP01 is sending you to Techno Hill is beyond me.

I'll see what I can do to try and fix it. Is there anything else that you think might be causing the signs to send you to Techno Hill? Try adding a "NextLevel" parameter and changing the "pastmap" and "futuremap" values, and tell me what that does.

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