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    • LionOte replied to the thread Time Warp Signs.
      If there's no "pastmap" or "futuremap" level header parameter when you use a sign, I think what happens is the game just goes to...
    • LionOte replied to the thread Time Warp Signs.
      It should work, I think. Just remove the "MainCfg"s between each map header - you only need the "MainCfg" at the top of the file...
    • LionOte replied to the thread Time Warp Signs.
      If changing the level index for one map changes the indexes for the others, maybe the WADs are all for the same map? (as in, they all...
    • LionOte replied to the thread Time Warp Signs.
      How many map WADs are in your WAD file - as in, how many maps are packed into the WAD. And you do have a MainCfg file in your WAD...
    • LionOte replied to the thread Time Warp Signs.
      I'm not sure. How many map lumps do you have in your WAD file? Also, may I please see your MainCfg lump?
    • LionOte replied to the thread Time Warp Signs.
      With one header? That's strange... Maps shouldn't be sharing a header, especially if they're in different levels. I have no idea what's...
    • LionOte replied to the thread Time Warp Signs.
      I feel like that might be an issue with your PK3 or WAD. Levels aren't normally supposed to share level headers - unless you're changing...
    • LionOte replied to the thread Time Warp Signs.
      Ah, you haven't changed the level numbers. That's why it's not working - the game thinks they're all for the same map because the "Level...
    • LionOte replied to the thread Time Warp Signs.
      Please show me the past and future level headers.
    • LionOte replied to the thread Time Warp Signs.
      I see... It's a common layout that most people use. Both work fine? What do you mean by that?
    • LionOte replied to the thread Time Warp Signs.
      Which sign are you trying to use? Past or Future? You're using MAP02 as the past map, so it might be working alright if you're trying...
    • LionOte replied to the thread Time Warp Signs.
      What level are you using it in? MAP01? This is what I was talking about: Lua.pastmap = 2 Lua.futuremap = 5 I've tested it myself, and...
    • LionOte replied to the thread Time Warp Signs.
      I'm not quite sure what's happening here, to be honest. The number alone should have worked. Nothing else is happening alongside it? Do...
    • LionOte replied to the thread Time Warp Signs.
      You have to use the integer parts only. "MAP03" should become just "3", without the quotes. If you want to access map 18, for example...
    • LionOte replied to the thread Time Warp Signs.
      How are you setting up your map headers for the past/present/future levels? Make sure each one is properly "linked" to each other (and...
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