Time Warp Signs

Time Warp Signs v1.2

just wondering, how do you travel back to the present once you're in the past/future? because if i try to travel back to the present, it sends me to Greenflower Zone Act 3 (the first Eggman boss).
How are you setting up your map headers for the past/present/future levels? Make sure each one is properly "linked" to each other (and the map header parameters don't support extended map numbers)
my map header is:

Level 1
LevelName = Ring Palace
Act = 1
SkyNum = 4
Lua.pastmap = MAP02
Lua.futuremap = MAP03

i already tried singular numbers in the Lua.pastmap and Lua.futuremap parameters, but it has the same result. every time the signs work, they send me to the next level only. when i made my future map, it overtook MAP03 so it sent me to Techno Hill Act 1 instead when i tried to use the Past signs.
You have to use the integer parts only. "MAP03" should become just "3", without the quotes. If you want to access map 18, for example, you'd put "18", again, without the quotes. Please let me know if this helps.
as i said, i've already tried this method. how do you "link" the maps anyway? i never really understood the directions.
I'm not quite sure what's happening here, to be honest. The number alone should have worked. Nothing else is happening alongside it? Do you see any errors in the console?
nothing else, it's just every time i use the time warp signs it transfers me to the next level. the only error i see is for music (not related to my problem).
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nvm i found the issue. is there a parameter for the present? like Lua.presentmap?
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What level are you using it in? MAP01?

This is what I was talking about:
Lua.pastmap = 2
Lua.futuremap = 5

I've tested it myself, and it seems to be working. Are there any specific details about where and when you're using the signs?
Which sign are you trying to use? Past or Future?

You're using MAP02 as the past map, so it might be working alright if you're trying to use the Past sign
i'm trying to use both, with the Future stages only having Past signs and the Past only having Future signs, like Sonic CD (both work fine).
i mean that both signs work fine in the present. if i go to the past or the future and use the correlating signs, they teleport me to the next level (i.e. the past teleports me to the future and the future teleports me to Techno Hill Act 1).

Level 1
LevelName = Ring Palace
Act = 0
SkyNum = 4
Lua.pastmap = 2
Lua.futuremap = 3


Level 1
LevelName = Ring Palace
Act = 0
SkyNum = 4
Lua.pastmap = 2
Lua.futuremap = 3

(they're the same as the present i think.)
Ah, you haven't changed the level numbers. That's why it's not working - the game thinks they're all for the same map because the "Level X" part is unchanged between the 3 headers, so for the actual maps in slots 2 and 3, no past map or future map have been defined.
ah, i see. but the problem i have is that it changes between levels, because if i label the future "Level 3", in the past it's labeled "Level 3" too.
I feel like that might be an issue with your PK3 or WAD. Levels aren't normally supposed to share level headers - unless you're changing them to the same numbers.

So, like, if you change the slot of one level (e.g. the past to MAP08), the future changes too?
as an example, if i change the Level parameter of the present to "Level = 5", the past and future Level parameters get changed to "Level = 5". (they share the same .WAD, different maps)
With one header? That's strange... Maps shouldn't be sharing a header, especially if they're in different levels. I have no idea what's happening on your end, but it might be a WAD issue. As far as I can tell, at least. I'm no expert in WADs, but that doesn't sound right.

Do you have any details on what might be causing that, or is this not the right place to discuss that?

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