This entire site is falling apart!

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Ok, not to be rude, but maybe you should take a break from discussion, just to call down, no one's trying to offend you or anything.

And we all have our problems, talk about them, to someone, about them. It helps. A lot.
Asaprus? Is that mispelled? I've never heard of it and neither has google... Asperger's Syndrome?

There was a point where I thought I had that, but I dismissed it as paranoia.

Anyway, Mint is right, crying can help. I don't do it personally, but it seems to be a generally accepted response, so go ahead. On another note, online message boards are rarely the kind of place you should 'spill your guts' as most people (especially here, it seems) are cynical about people they can't judge in person.

EDIT (I left the keyboard and there's more posts): I also should add in regards to the above note that anyone who admits so many things at once is risking their credibility. Also most people have considered/attempted suicide at some point, so you're probably not alone there. Fish Hook, you need to relax, seriously. I find that in the long run, nothing you do on a forum is of major consequence in the grand scheme of things, and you might want to take a break from this and look at this in perspective.

...God, I hate it when I do that.
Its 3 am. I'm not going out for air. I just need to be cheered up.
I will stay in an extream emotional state untill moved into another. I had to build common sense into me manualy, but emotion is one thing that is just too complex to learn. So I can only feel emotions when extreamly emotional.
It sucks really.
Tch, welcome to my world, it's 3:46am here, and the air is icy.

And like I said, I don't do crying personally. Also, I feel surprised that you got extremely emotional over something as trivial as this.
I don't believe in mental disorders. I believe in that psychological shizzle where someone is told they're weak, and that makes them weak.

I also believe in using hyperbole generators to amplify power, but that's getting offtopic.

I actually find that playing videogames is a nice way to screw myself down, keeps my mind off the philosophical, and on how I really need to get rechargeable batteries for my Wiimote.
I can't help but feel that you're full of crap. You basically just announced that you have 3 or 4 different serious personal/mental problems. I'm sorry if you're not lying, but it really does seem like it. Internet FTW.

@Draykon, some mental illnesses are real, but I feel that some of 'em are overdiagnosed. I feel that ADD and ADHD aren't disorders, they're just a different way the brain works.
This topic is making me too depressed... a knife cut isn't that painful ya know. I just found out.
Ok, the 2nd cut hurt a bit more.
Mystic said:
Suicide threat. Instant tempban. Go be emo somewhere else. If you're actually serious about suicide, seek professional help in real life.

Anyhow, we're harsh and strict about the rules because we need to be. If we weren't, this place would be overrun with 9 year olds saying that Silver is the coolest guy ever and why don't we add him to the official game. As an adult, I prefer forums with intelligent discussion and a user base mature enough to have common sense.

While that leads to the banning of a lot of people, I'd say it's worth it for the possibility of getting a less stupid community around here. Since it's my forum, I can choose what the rules are, and how to enforce them. I've chosen a highly strict way of enforcement because the old, "nice" way simply wasn't getting the job done. If you don't like that, go ahead and leave.


I think this post sums up this topic pretty well. Fish hook, it seems to me that you're basically just trying to get attention, especially with your more recent posts. Really, the internet isn't the best place to whine about problems, because as we all know (and I hope this isn't being too harsh):
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