Seraph Island

Seraph Island 1.2.4 Indev

Idk how to start this so I will just say the most important thing I have on my mind. -.-
1.The stages are pretty w i d e. And If you want these stage to be played with modded characters then I get it, but in that case you need to strike a balance between being fun for vanilla characters and being big enough so speed characters like modern sonic won't bonk into walls every second.
Try to make them averagely wide, so every speed range will be welcome. :>

2.There's a really small amount of rings and sometimes they're weirdly placed. Try to use rings as guidance in such a way that if players follows the rings he will always sooner or later reach the goal. Put rings in dangerous spots and after/around the checkpoints, in that way player won't be afraid of progressing further and will have a sense of safety around the checkpoint. And for last put them in places that player will be likely to go while progressing forward, don't make them go out of their way to grab rings. (Unless it's outside the main path. :>)

3.That might be a nit-pick, but try putting objects in pretty way. Use the grid and make placement pattern for some types of objects, like spikes for example. And have them placed consistently without any odd spaces.


There's this yucky effect in this part of the stage. Just put the celling a bit higher and remember to never have two walls inside each other. Doing this creates such effect.

Once you go there you can't jump out by normal means. I jumped here as sonic and had to retry the stage :< In that case put some springs on both ends of this platform and actually you use it as a faster yet harder way of going through this section. Just put more torch flowers and enemies.

At the end of this stage once you miss the springs, you can't jump out. Again, put springs and maybe try to put more stuff here, like some small bonuses for going down here instead of finishing the stage faster. And you could switch some diagonal red springs for regular ones, so if the player hits one after rolling down the slope he will be launched faster towards the goal.

Like this!

Example of the wacky ring placement and- what is dawg doing at the celling gravity?

The angle you put enemies matters a lot, If you put them backwards to the direction the player will come from they won't notice him until he's too far away to inflict any damage.

Lack of shadows on the crusher sectors makes it pretty dangerous, and remember that in software rendering when looking up or down the image gets severly distorted so make the stages in such a way so player won't have to look directly up or down. Also you could do something cool with those ramps in the middle of this section, maybe put boost pads so you will get launched across the whole section!

And I think that's all I have on mind, overall these stages are pretty cool, but due to maybe lack of experience you couldn't put your vision into reality in a "fun to play" way.

I also feel that small stages like these from unpopular creators like you are less likely to get any attention, which I kinda find sad because mapping is either the hardest or second to hardest things to make in SRB2. And due to lack of eyes on a flawed work the creator never will receive any help nor criticism which will be helpful to gaining skill in map making. :C AND THAT'S WHY I'M HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE :DDD
(I need to make a thread about this subject tbh.)
really appreciate the feedback dude, ill make sure to look back on this when working on future projects, and those issues listed will be fixed too
ive been meaning to fix those rings and that stuck and flipped dragonbomber on the ceiling too, just keep in mind it is indev so yeah
again, really appreciate it man
thank you
glaivelordofficial updated The 2Pack with a new update entry:

2Pack, Industrial and Soggy Update

This update brings 2 new levels, Lost Labyrinth and Techno Tyrant. Not much has been changed since then, but just be ready for more. Techno Tyrant brings... Happy Orange Springs!! Lost Labyrinth is arguably the worst stage here, so be prepared for an update that removes this level.
View attachment 142833 sorry that this update was really underwhelming, i hadn't a lot of time to make these levels and Lost Labyrinth was sort of rushed, i still hope you guys can enjoy...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Liking this level pack, or at least I was before the previous update (might still manage to like it in spite of it), probably should have left a review sooner, but I have some feedback that's maybe sorta dipping into feature request territory.

Or more accurately, unfeature request. You seem to have added a bunch of changes to vanilla characters and physics that you didn't mention? Loading this changes Sonic's color and max speed and I think you added a boost mode, plus that momentum that presumably isn't just for the "speed stages?"

This is a bit of an annoying addition because I, like many (most?), already have my own mod and physics setup that I like, and including this stuff with your level pack causes conflicts and requires unloading things and then still isn't what I wanted and yeah.

I think it'd be better to either cut the non-level changes or make them a separate file. As an added bonus, as a separate file, they could be loaded into other stages for people who like them! (Also you could document them, they were an unpleasant surprise.)

Also you should lower or remove the requirements for unlocking the "hidden" characters with this mod. Molten Volcano is an excellent stage for speedy characters that I wanted to test some Metal Sonic stuff I was working on and it was disappointing to have him locked.
Wait, ARE there changes besides the default colors and 10 line momentum? I opened up the pk3 and deleted those and it feels right.

Also I can definitely see the instinct to add a momentum mod, the stages play much better with one than without. I'm just a bit of an rphyslite stan right now myself, others probably have their preferred momentum mods.
Post automatically merged:

Some other, non "complaining about compatibility" notes:

"Hitting the ground running" aside, I'm not sure Subterranean Canyon is different enough from the other stages to need separated off on it's own.

The 2D Section of Lost Labyrinth knocks be back upon entering it sometimes, a lot of 2D sections do. It's also other than that basically just a quick cutscene, it might be better to cut the 2D? As an added bonus, you could stick an emblem in that neat little area behind it.

Techno Tyrant having the boss fight in the middle is awesome, but with crushers after you might want to put in a checkpoint. It's less cool after the first time. Also, maybe a music change, or even making it a full blown "escape" type thing? Also, the switch for the proximity door early on is really easy to jump over on accident, it's a little annoying.

In general, especially having unlocked Metal Sonic and working on a drop dash type thing for him:

And you might want to check those emblems again, this is the "too high up to fly" one in Frozen Farlands, right? It's missing, latest version, I did cut out the skins and 10 line momentum lua though, was more playing than testing. Very fun levels.

Oh speaking of Frozen Farlands, the dark cave section in there is maybe my biggest complaint, it's a bit easy to get lost, if you're not adding a separate exit path. It can be hard to see the one spring. Fine on repeats, though.

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Liking the vibe here overall! As someone who likes vanilla SRB2 controls, I appreciate the simple momentum changes that have been added here. Being able to keep thok speed with Sonic without having to break my jump key is something I appreciate in these big open levels - didn't try any other characters, but I can't imagine Tails or Fang are very much fun to play in these big wide open without a dedicated "boost lite" ability. It would probably be a good idea to have some way to turn off the momentum changes for folks who prefer to use their own momentum mods, though.

One thing I will point out is that the moving platforms towards the respective starts of TTZ and HZ need pauses at the top and bottom of their paths. As it is, getting on top of them is nearly impossible - I wound up fiddling around with the one in TTZ for way too long, then skipping the one in HZ altogether using Tails before encountering the hyperspeed crusher and quitting to write this.

This could be a pretty cool and unique level pack with a little more polish. The brevity of SRB2 Gens.'s current incarnation has left me a bit wanting for big open levels, so this is nice to see.
you know ive only been posting progress reports on the discord, so i decided id share some screenshots and stuff of WIP zones and things like that
This is Eruptic Grasslands, its either gonna be a main campaign level or an unlockable
Also heavily inspired by Flame Rift Zone
it looks a little wide right now but ive already drawn out some concepts about what im gonna do, more later :)


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Hey! Someone just played your map-pack!​

Hey! Someone just played your map-pack!​

never thought my pack would make it to the big screen, this is awesome

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