The Pro Pack

The Pro Pack Version 8

TheTrueEpicPro submitted a new resource:

Simple Circuit - Its simple, and its a circuit!

I now present the most basic circuit track ever! It's the Simple Circuit. I made this track while learning the basics of Zone Builder. While this track might be simple to navigate, players will still have to be weary of items. The course's many straightaways are perfect for a Jaws to hit it's target.

I plan to create more courses in the future that aren't as simple as this course.

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I feel like I Need to bring Red Mountain up, I have some issues with this track. Especially the beginning:
1. Starting line up feels way too thin, Even for a bridge.
2. Shortcut feels way too strong, skipping the slow hazard spot as a whole.
3. The Big ramp has some issues; Sometimes you can barely make it or not at all without a sneaker, or even enough speed.
Anyways can you try to fix these problems for this track in the future?


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I feel like I Need to bring Red Mountain up, I have some issues with this track. Especially the beginning:
1. Starting line up feels way too thin, Even for a bridge.
2. Shortcut feels way too strong, skipping the slow hazard spot as a whole.
3. The Big ramp has some issues; Sometimes you can barely make it or not at all without a sneaker, or even enough speed.
Anyways can you try to fix these problems for this track in the future?
Yeah, I can make some changes to fix these in a future update. Thanks for the feedback!
TheTrueEpicPro updated The Pro Pack with a new update entry:

Red Mountain Tweaks

This update tweaks some small issues with the Red Mountain course. The tweaks are adding more strong off-road to the start of the Lava Pool cut. Lava Pool cut's spring panel had it's sneaker panel attributes revoked. Added a sneaker panel to the inside corner of the outer spike ball corner. Extended the landing platform of the large ramp before the volcano section. Added some edge decoration to the off-road sections.

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TheTrueEpicPro updated The Pro Pack with a new update entry:

Spinning out for Summer

The version 4 update for the Pro Pack is here! Now with a new summer themed course to begin the season with! What do you mean summer is almost over?

Enjoy two new courses to blast through! The Summer Seas and the Roundabout, along with tweaks to the older courses in the pack!

Change log for version 4 update:
Added Roundabout Zone
Added Summer Seas Zone
Added additional shortcuts to Simple Circuit Zone
Modified Red Mountain to be a section course rather than a 2 lap track
Modified Red...

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TheTrueEpicPro updated The Pro Pack with a new update entry:

CNK Hyper Spaceway!

After an extremely long development time, Crash Nitro Kart grand finale track, Hyper Spaceway, finally arrives in SRB2Kart. This massive mega track will test your skills with lasers, flame throwers, and spinning maces, all in space in this gauntlet of a track! Can you claim first place and claim the title of Galactic Champion, or will you be flung out into deep space?


Added Hyper Spaceway

Widened the main road in most parts of Red Mountain
Modified the last major shortcut in...

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My friends and I enjoy this pack a bunch, but every time we play online on Molten Mine Zone, when one of us hits a barrel the server desyncs. I have a feeling that the first time we've played on this track this didn't happen, but it's been so long I can't be sure. Can you please look into it?
Also, Hyper Spaceway is absurdly long. Maybe lower the lap counter by one?
My friends and I enjoy this pack a bunch, but every time we play online on Molten Mine Zone, when one of us hits a barrel the server desyncs. I have a feeling that the first time we've played on this track this didn't happen, but it's been so long I can't be sure. Can you please look into it?
Also, Hyper Spaceway is absurdly long. Maybe lower the lap counter by one?
Hey, glad you're enjoying the pack! From what I've gathered, the explosion particles aren't synced between players, I'm not sure if this was ever fixed in a Kart release, but it tends to be a very random bug. It apparently happens more often when you host from a Mac, but I'm not sure. I haven't had a desync in a long time when I host for friend groups from a Mac, so I'm not entirely sure on what's going on and or how to fix it. As for Hyper Spaceway being long, that's intentional. It's supposed to be an extremely long course that was originally designed to be a final boss showdown in Crash Nitro Kart. A intergalactic grand finale of sorts. There is a new version of the pack coming sometime soon-ish. Can't say how soon as it's quite a large update that modifies a lot of my older courses to look more visually pleasing and tweaks their layouts to be more enjoyable. The courses that aren't getting overhauled are still getting much needed quality of life tweaks too. The update with also have new courses as well, so keep and eye out for that!
TheTrueEpicPro updated The Pro Pack with a new update entry:

Rainbows and Revisions

Hey, it's been a while hasn't it? Well all that waiting paid off as no only are there three new courses in this update, but a bunch of tweaks to the older courses in the pack! New courses include the Great Galleon, a large ship sailing the seven seas! The infamous GCN Luigi Circuit, known for that chaotic center straightaway! Most importantly, the every popular, 3DS Rainbow Road!

Feedback is always welcome!

Version 6 Changelog:

-New Additions:
Added Great Galleon, a short race track on a...

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Encountered a syncfail on the new rainbow road map when the map changed music tracks for the last sector. Didn't hit everybody but those that got it apparently saw the message "WARNING: music 'O_MK7FNM' could not be found", though that file is obviously in the .pk3. I don't know the specifics of how the music changes in that fashion so I can't really give more information.

Not sure if it would happen on Luigi Circuit as well but I think it might if that music change happens in the same fashion.
TheTrueEpicPro updated The Pro Pack with a new update entry:

Version 6 Hotfix

The bugs strike again, but I've squashed them for the time being. Anyway, here are some small fixes to Pro Pack version 6.

- Fixed two sectors incorrectly marked as death planes on Great Galleon on the second to last U-turn of the lap.
- Updated both music tracks for Luigi Circuit to have better music loops.
- Final Lap music for Hyper Spaceway should only activate once now.

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Encountered a syncfail on the new rainbow road map when the map changed music tracks for the last sector. Didn't hit everybody but those that got it apparently saw the message "WARNING: music 'O_MK7FNM' could not be found", though that file is obviously in the .pk3. I don't know the specifics of how the music changes in that fashion so I can't really give more information.

Not sure if it would happen on Luigi Circuit as well but I think it might if that music change happens in the same fashion.
Adding on to some of the music Issues for the new Rainbow road, The victory theme plays for a brief moment but continues to play the final lap theme afterwards. Haven't encountered this issue yet on the other tracks so far.

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