The Exiled Island

The Exiled Island v0.9 (+v1.0 indev A3)

Just started working on the new zone: Forgotten Fortress!


Oh yeah, I need to add an extension to WFZ1 in v0.7. Also new Special Stage coming up!
I also got ideas for v1.0:

- Bonus Levels
- Remake of SVZ1
- New WFZ2
- Special Stage 3
Update on the level: It might not be extended in it's Demo 2/3. But, we do got this cool (but cheap) castle in the end.

what was the song used in wasteland factory zone act 1??????
That song is Tempest Valley from the Mystic Realm. Just in case if you're wondering, no I did not steal it. For some reason, it's in the files for SRB2. I think it was used for the 2.1 special stages once.
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v0.7 is near release, but, I did find v0.1, the unreleased first version. This got rejected because of filename conventions, but you'll get to see the first (well... the second) iteration of Sapphire Valley Zone Act 1!


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That song is Tempest Valley from the Mystic Realm. Just in case if you're wondering, no I did not steal it. For some reason, it's in the files for SRB2. I think it was used for the 2.1 special stages once.
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v0.7 is near release, but, I did find v0.1, the unreleased first version. This got rejected because of filename conventions, but you'll get to see the first (well... the second) iteration of Sapphire Valley Zone Act 1!
oh, that's cool but one question. If this mod was release the v0.2, then why didn't you release the v0.1?
ExenP3570 updated The Exiled Island with a new update entry:

Nothing Much

Triple Whammy time!

New stuff:

- Emblems in FFZ1
- New Boss for WFZ3
- Brought back the cutscenes (they were accidently left out in v0.7.1)

Read the rest of this update entry...
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I finally made a official zone order for the game. The Main Campaign would have 8 Zones (Unless you count the secret zone.)

- Sapphire Valley Zone
- Wasteland Factory Zone
- Forgotten Fortress Zone
- Yellowstone Canyon Zone
- Mechanical Mine Zone
- Nimbus Heights Zone
- Lava Liftoff Zone
- Zapped Eggship Zone
- Digital Dungeon Zone (Requires All Emeralds)

Plus 3 bonus levels:

- Radical Reef
- Honeycomb Hill
- Hydro Depths (Still working on the name.)
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Some of the swings in the new zone have the chance to crush you.


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Some of the swings in the new zone have the chance to crush you.
Yeah, I might need to fix this in a patch soon.

Also on a completely unrelated note, Forgotten Fortress 2 is now in production, but I don't have screenshots of it yet. Also I might start composing music in the foreseeable future, probably going to be added in v1.0. And yet on another note, I forgot to put this in the patch notes, but there just a arrow indicating the direction on the annoying fork in Sapphire Valley 1, which would be removed by the remake in v1.0.
Some of the swings in the new zone have the chance to crush you.
Well, that's correct. I was check it is this true and yep, it's just crush you to dead
and yea it's a same of v0.7.1 and v0.8



Yeah, I might need to fix this in a patch soon.

Also on a completely unrelated note, Forgotten Fortress 2 is now in production, but I don't have screenshots of it yet. Also I might start composing music in the foreseeable future, probably going to be added in v1.0. And yet on another note, I forgot to put this in the patch notes, but there just a arrow indicating the direction on the annoying fork in Sapphire Valley 1, which would be removed by the remake in v1.0.
I hope you will fix it and release the patch on this stage Forgotten Fortress act 1 as fast as you can.
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So i found two bugs on the statistics emblems and record attack on Forgotten Fortress act 1
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Vector players can get permanently trapped in the second emblem room. They can't utilize the Record Dash to leave. Maybe making the space bigger or a new location for it can work.


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ExenP3570 updated The Exiled Island with a new update entry:

v0.8 Patches

Bugs are fixed and thing are added: what are they?

- Prevention of being crushed from the chains in FFZ1
- SVZ1 Emblems are fixed again
- New Emerald sprites (2.1 Sprites)

That it for now, but I'll just put some teasers for FFZ2 some time from now, or even put a playable build.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Aright, so the Sapphire Valley 1 Remake is now in the works too, but is too early in development to share any screenshots yet, but I might show of screenshots of FFZ2 soon or just put in a playable build 60 to 120 mins from now.
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Because Sapphire Valley Zone 1 is being drastically changed, Act 2 might get remade too, but the act will be completely changed to look far different from it's design now.

Here's screenshots of the SVZ1 remake:

Planned Version 1.0 Patches

Version 0.9 will not include Forgotten Fortress Zone Act 2, but rather Act 3 because I would like to move the development of the stage to 1.0.

Sapphire Valley Zone Act 2 is going to add a new gimmick: water slides. It seems more practical for the level, because it is full of rivers and lakes.

Wasteland Factory Zone Act 1 & 2 is also going to be remade, to better fit the openness of Sapphire Valley.

And the last patches for 1.0 is inclusion of Yellowstone Canyon, the first act of Mechanical Mine, and Multiplayer maps.

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